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I went to a sermon delivered by
Mike Huckabee, former Arkansas governor seeking the Republication nomination for U.S. President in 2008. He was pleasant, a good speaker, and had some excellent points. My posting of these notes in no way means that I support Huckabee. I still need to think on it. I just thought others might find this useful. Phrases in quotes are direct or as close as I could hear.
A Sermon by Honorable Governor Mike Huckabee
September 22, 2007
First Redeemer Church, Cumming, GA
View the webcast or purchase a video/CD at
http://www.thereshope.org/ - Huckabee received four standing ovations at the National Education Association
- Born and raised in Hope, Arkansas
- Was a pastor for twelve years
- Was once asked if he was one of those �narrow minded Baptists� who only believed Baptists were going to heaven. He replied, no ma�am I�m even more narrow minded than that, I don�t even think all the Baptists are going to heaven!�
- Went to Southwestern Seminary in Ft. Worth, Texas
- Is an ordained Southern Baptist Convention minister
Theme Verse: Proverbs 22:28 - �Do not move the ancient landmark that your fathers have set.�
- Why? Because when we move it we get lost.
- America is lost and dislocated because �We have moved the landmarks of our liberty�.
- Quote from Edward Gibbon�s Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Sound familiar?
1. The rapid increase of divorce; the undermining of dignity and sanctity of the home, which is the basis of human society.
2. Higher and higher taxes and the spending of public money for free bread and circuses for the populace.
3. The mad craze for pleasure; sports becoming every year more exciting and more brutal.
4. The building of gigantic armaments when the real enemy was within: the decadence of the people.
5. The decay of religion�faith fading into mere form�losing touch with life and becoming impotent to guide the people.
The Basic Nature of Man
- we are all sinners
- for secularists, the definition of sin is self-centeredness
- �we are a nation filled with sin�
- Huckabee�s father was a patriot, �he laid on the stripes and I saw stars.�
- Our society was better off when we respected authority and didn�t act like victims
- Story of his son�s attempt to bake a cake but didn�t understand the meaning of dash so the son put in a cup of salt instead of the dash, creating an awful tasting cake.
- It was the lack of knowing the definition of dash that led to the problem. We must be sure and call a thing a thing.
- Some people say that if we are sincere God will honor it, no matter what it is we do.
- �Being sincere is a good thing, but being right is even better.�
- If people make up their own definitions of right and wrong we will not get a kumbaya campfire, but something else.
- �When people redefine right and wrong to match their behavior, rather than match their behavior to right and wrong�, there will be more sin in culture, not less.
- �A political party is nothing more than a vehicle, it is not a destination.�
Huckabee got into politics because he is pro-life.
- All people have individual value.
- �The real discussion is not values, it is the value of a person.� Which is why he can�t compromise on being pro-life.
- Parents are sacrificing their own children for their comfort, rather than, as in the past, sacrificing their own comfort for their child.
- Carl Zimmerman book (?not sure spelling or title)
Christians in Politics
- Some Christians say they don�t want to be involved.
- Not being involved is like owning a bass fishing boat that is perfect but that never gets put in the water. (The sermon is worth watching just for the build-up as he tells this allegory.)
- �I�m not to be of the world, but I am to be in the world.�
- �Have you moved the landmarks?� � Are you in the water� � making waves