so It goes

Sep 30, 2009 02:55

Been a while since I posted here. I should give the obligitory info dump, and then on to the nifty stuff.

~ I am fine, life goes on.
~ My two year with Sarah is this sunday.... Time flies Eh?
~ I have No idea what I am getting her. This will be resolved shortly I hope :)
~ My Niece used the toilet. Being that she is not quite 2 this is a big deal.
~ I am still part time at SMC. This seems to be par for the course.

Now on to the ideas.

GIJoe Reloaded - I have been bandying about a idea for a FATE powered GIJoe game. I wa sinspired enough to do a Character sheet that is... well frankly dorky but awesome. the Principle is that in the late 80s COBRA was defeated "once and for all" and GIJoe was disbanded. Flash forward, and the COBRA menace is back, but the heros of the past are past their prime. its time for a new generation to step up to the plate.

Any Landing you can walk away from - This is a survival game inspired in some degree by movies like Pitch Black and shows like Lost. The premise is a future equivalent of a 747 crashes on a remote, barely charted planet and surviors must band together to reach an rely station that may or may not exist. Meanwhile they discover the world might not be as uninhabited as the charts led them to believe.

Destroyer Star Agamemnon - This is something that ha sbeen bouncing around in my head for a while and I think I touched on it here a few times. The idea of running a BSG game appeals greatly to me, but frankly I have little desire to rehash the series, or try to "fit into" the narative. Instead I plan to build smaller scale fleet, similarly centered around a smaller number of capital ships. additionally, there will be No Battlestar. Instead, some smaller dreadnaught/destoyer class ship may be present, but that might not even be the focus.

One of the ideas is to turn th edynamic on its head and make the military the minority. A powerful force, but small enough that they self contain rather then run the fleet. this plays into another idea I had which is to make a part of the force pirates. Say the battle starts, and by some unfortunate coincidence a large party of Pirates happen to jump in? Theyir systems would not be effected by the virus and are likely to be targeted by the Toasters...

Another One of my ideas is to replicate the fleet leader dynamic by started each adventure/session with a meeting. Each player essentially plays a mover and shaker and their interactions steers the course of the campaign. then the actual adventure is driven by the task force, which are the players "Main Characters".

Some Ship ideas
The Scarlet Matron - a Hotel/casino ship which used to make a circuit of the colonies. It is a massive ship that is not built for speed, but is full of wealthy persons who might not adjust to well to the ideas of life after the war.
The Venture - A deep space exploration ship that was on its way back to the Colonies. This ship was top of the line, and gives them access to small scale mining, but a disgruntal crew. also it has a system that could be put to military aplication - it uses a probe that jumps in, does a system scan, and then jumps back with Data.
The Farshot - a Prototype Warship that was being shown off to Military Brass at the time of the attack. It has it's own proprietary non military computer system, and is armored all to hell, but is armed with Light guns and test nukes (IE is unarmed). It also has a Well trained crew of civilians, bunch of second string politicans and miltary brass potentially, as well as the Ships design crew (and maybe the eccentric Designer).
The Agamemnon - I belive there should be a range of ships, Destroyer stars, Cruiser stars and the like (if we are using the navy example) and the Ag is one such vessel. Armed to the teeth, but with no fighter support, it is a ship of the line. It survived the fight due to a fluke of some sort, such as parking the ship inside the hull of a destroyed battlestar while they purged the virus.
The Bucket - An old cargo ship that has been converted to a fighter bay after the destruction of whatever carrier ad them. Probably the battlestar.

Anyway, the Idea of the game would be to give them choices and focus on where they want to take the fleet. Adventures like a raid on a Colonial Guard (the BSG Equivalent of the National Guard) depot, finding a Battlestar floating in space, finding one of the ships that vanished from the BSG series and fnding ot about the fleet... and deciding if they want to do it.

Also, as tot he Psylons, I would be changing their appearance (to avoid unintential reactions) and focusing a little less on the metaphysical angle.
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