Jul 30, 2006 14:26
Well the past week has been a complete amount of doing nothing!!
I went out for supper on wednesday with Josh D, Vicky, Sheri and Kelli in ay which was a lot of fun. Got the shittiest both ever which didn't have lights so we decided to light some candles. The next day I went out for supper for my mom/aunts bday at gabriels which was also pretty fun.
Friday night was actually okay. Kim, lindsay, josh, jess, danielle and I went up to the flix and met up with Shawn and matt. Played pool adn they all drank but I didn't feel like it. Franky showed up. Left there at like 2 and went to go eat..which meant we were going to the british apparently. A lot of ppl were there so it wasn't that bad. I had fun making fun of everyone being drunk. Stayed there untill around 4 when I finally convinced Kim, Josh and Franky that we had to leave. Got home pretty late that night but it was all good, I was gonna sleep in. Didn't happen!!
Last night was Kali's party which Josh, lindsay, Kim and I went to. I'm pretty happy I went cause I got to see a lot of ppl I haven't seen in a long time. Left there to walk Josh and them to the flix. Went back to everyone leaving. Left with Mel, Grant, James, Michelle and Rob. Ended up at my house with Mel and Grant. Then Mel left to go to sam's. Again with the getting in late.
Today Im just relaxing and waiting for someone to come over. After the whole moving stuff. I want free ice cream!!
Well im gonna go sleep now.