Nov 06, 2006 00:06
*Last night i saved a japanese locals life by stopping him from getting behind the wheel while OBVIOUSLY entoxicated. It shook me up afterwards to have to go through that, but i am very proud of my decision. A decision i made while i myself was intoxicated ^^;;; It bothered me that i was with a group of people and i was the one that took the initial initiative to stop him.
*Gi party last friday lasted until 3:30 because they kept nitpicking EVERYTHING. Their gay...
*Blues inspection only lasted 45 minutes!! And afterwards we got a very awesome speech about the blues uniform, how proud we made them the last two days, and best of all they said it would be very hard for them to make the decision to make us do this again.
*4 day weekend coming up. Phase party (which is pretty much a kegger). It's hard to say but i think I'm becoming an alcoholic ;-; Just because everyone else over here is, or at least people in my shop.
*Fishing trip the 11th. Gonna be hella sweet. 5 in the morning till 5 in afternoon. 100 bucks to go, itll be worth every penny. Hope i can remember how to fish, and i keep the drinking down so i have fun fishing and i can remember it the next day. (its not my idea to bring alcohol but the people im going with are taking 3-4 coolers ;-;) Again with the alcoholism theory...