Aug 20, 2009 15:02
So I am unqualified to fire the m16. I had to go through expeditionary combat skills training. The class is basically a crash course in infantryship, learning combat manuevers, handling and firing the M16, all sorts of stuff. Well I ended up shooting 11 out of 50, but let me explain my target only had about 21 bullet holes in it all together. The person next to me though had a lot more than she was supposed to and shot 46 out of 50 (expert). The conclusion I came to is I shot the hell out of her target. By the end I was shooting pretty well (if i do say so myself) and my impression is she couldn't shoot worth a damn at the beginning but all her smaller targets (300mm and I think 500mm) had at least 5 hits in them. Unfortunately there is no way to prove which shots were mine or hers so I get unqualified and she gets expert.
Which brings me to mention I have to fire again before I deploy, but they want me to fire next week which falls directly in the middle of my leave. I'm gonna talk to mobility tomm and see if I can shoot when I get back, it just depends how far I am on my checklist.
Also I made Staff Seargant (e5). Ill be sowing on prob April-march time frame. Wohoo.