The Heartbreak (Part 1)

Mar 29, 2014 14:58

Pairing:Yamachii, Yamajima, Chinen Yuri x OC
Summary:Chinen has always love Yamada but what if Yamada just see him as a little brother?

Chinen Yuri, a boy with such cute face and an angelic smile had been friends with a boy named Yamada Ryosuke in such a long time. Yes, Yamada Ryosuke the boy with so much appeal that can make girls fall hard on him and that can make any girls kill people or be a slave just to be with him. Yes they’ve been friends since they join the Johnny’s Entertainment. Well that would be somewhat since they’re small right. So it is not weird to see them hugging each other. Since they’re joining the Johnny’s Entertainment so they would live in a men or boys surrounding. Somehow this things affect Chinen Yuri in his way to becoming an adult. These things occurred when he grew with Yamada Ryosuke. Yamada Ryosuke is always take care of Chinen Yuri and Chinen Yuri impressions of him is of course “ he is such a nice guy”. As they be friends since they’re smaller and Yamada Ryosuke is being nice to him and always take care of him Chinen Yuri felt that Yamada Ryosuke is an important piece in his life. That is when he decided to call Yamada Ryosuke as ‘Ryosuke’ only. Sometimes Chinen Yuri can’t help to feel happy and somehow felt doki doki when with Yamada Ryosuke and felt jealous when Yamada Ryosuke with someone else especially Nakajima Yuto as Yamada Ryosuke is closed with Nakajima Yuto and somehow Yamada Ryosuke show his affection towards Nakajima Yuto . in the first place Chinen Yuri cannot confirm what he’s feeling but somehow he felt that these feeling that he has been felt is love. That is when he realized that what’s he feeling is a stupid thing. One day, he thought to himself whilst take a bath about what he’s feeling.
“ Why would many people in this world I would have fallen for is a guy?!!! And worst it’s my own friend!!!” Chinen Yuri said while he punch the wall of his bathroom very hard and repeatedly. “ he just look at me as his little brother, I can see it clearly although he didn’t tell about it. It’s because I’m such a small, cute and looks weak and spoiled that he always worried and take care of me” Chinen mumbled to himself. Then Chinen decided to act normal when he’s with Yamada Ryosuke without feeling any jealousy or feel doki doki. “its okay, I just had to act normal when with him” Chinen Yuri said to calm himself. At first Chinen Yuri can endured his heart aching well. But feelings can’t be throwned away easily, as days passed and days turned to month he felt like he’s going to burst. He’s heart is aching when he saw how Yamada Ryosuke is being more closed and more affectionate towards Nakajima Yuto but still care for him. He’s hard is aching very hard when he heard one news that Nakajima Yuto and Yamada Ryosuke has gone out together. Well of course you think it is normal to go out with your friends right? But what makes his heart to ache hardly is that they go out together while HOLDING HAND!!! That is when he thought “ so you can take a guy huh?”. That time Chinen Yuri felt relieved because Yamada Ryosuke could accept a guy but in the same time he felt his heart is being crushed like a glass fell onto a sharp stone because he realized that Yamada Ryosuke cannot be his.
Chinen Yuri tries to make himself busy so that he can forget all of his feelings for Yamada Ryosuke. Of course feelings an emotion can’t be erased easily. One day when he has finished all of his work, he wanted to go to a park on his way home. He did that to released all of his frustrations and tensions. As he walk into the park he saw a guy sitting on a bench in the park while holding some takoyaki in his hands. Chinen Yuri walked towards the bench and seated besides the guy and speaked.
“life is not always fair right Mr.” the guy who felt surprised by the sudden appearances of Chinen Yuri jumped a bit from his place.
“you’re surprised me. Anoo aren’t you Chinen Yuri from HeySayJump?” the guy asked.
“ummph, well yeah” Chinen answered. The guy look even more surprised. Even more questions is now in the head of the guy but firstly he wanted reply the statement of Chinen Yuri early.
“well you know… the God has made that with all problems there will always be help. I believe in the end the god will always give a good end. Maybe in your case it’s just that it has its different storyline.”
“ummph, maybe you’re right Mr. thank you for your emm advice..” there is a silence between them. When the guy saw Chinen Yuri is still in such depressed conditions he grab Chinen Yuri wrist and dragged him.
“come” the guy said.
“where are you taking me?” Chinen asked with a slightly worried and angry tone.
“don’t worry I’m not kidnapping you I’m just going to show you something beautiful.” The guy said with and exciting tone in his voice.
Chinen Yuri doesn’t know why but he thinks that it’s okay to follow the guy as he looks very keen to show him something.
“here we are. There, look at the sky” the guy said.
Chinen is stunned at his place.
“uwaaah kirei naa” Chinen said his smile started to carved on his face. Then suddenly Chinen emotions and frustrations he has been held is burst out, he started to cry. The guy then walked beside Chinen Yuri and rub his back.
“its okay to cry… just cry out loud, let all of it out you’ll feel better when you did so” the guy said with a soothing voice. Chinen Yuri then cried even more harder and after some minutes he have stopped crying.
“thank you and sorry for crying so suddenly” Chinen Yuri said.
“its okay, it’s not a problem for me”
“ you know, I think you’re a nice guy” Chinen Yuri said.
“hahaha thanks very much. Hmm I think I wanted to apologize for not introducing myself Chinen-san. My name is John Cech. You can call me John. I am a fan of HeySayJump. Well as you can see I’m a foreigner here.” John Cech replied.
“wow you speak a good Japanese ne John. I’m Chinen Yuri yoroshiku nee”
“well I can speak a little yoroshiku ne Chinen-san” while they’re shaking hands.
That night Chinen Yuri and John Cech talk a lot of things but Chinen Yuri didn’t tell his problem in the conversations. From their conversations Chinen Yuri knows that John Cech is younger than him about 3 years and he is working with Johnny Kitagawa as his personal dentists or sometimes doctor. He have work for Johnny Kitagawa for about only a month. John Cech told Chinen Yuri how he’s being hired by Johnny Kitagawa. He said that he met with Johnny Kitagawa when Johnny Kitagawa had a business in his country. In his time in John Cech country he had fainted on his way to the meeting place that is when John Cech met him and help him to go to the hospital. When Johnny Kitagawa wakes up he was surprised that he is in the hospital. John Cech was sitting beside him on the chair while waiting for him to wakes up. John Cech felt relieves that Johnny Kitagawa has woken up. After that he explained to Johnny Kitagawa how he was ended in the hospital. Then they have a chat that makes John Cech to be in surprised as he knows that he is talking to Johnny Kitagawa who is the founder of Johnny’s Entertainment. In their chit chatting Johnny Kitagawa get to know that John Cech is a dentist and in the same time have some knowledge like normal doctor too and that he likes soccer. That is when Johnny Kitagawa decided to hire John Cech as his personal doctor or in a specific way dentist. Johnny Kitagawa then told John Cech that he wanted to make a call for he cannot attend his meeting the that day, so he just wanted to give and explanation to the people who he have a meeting with and John Cech give his handphone to Johnny Kitagawa. After a day Johnny Kitagawa has been released. Well he doesn’t have any sickness, it’s just that he is too tired and lack of vitamins in his body that’s why he fainted. John Cech is with him when Johnny Kitagawa has been released. Johnny Kitagawa then offered John Cech to work with him as a personal doctor in Japan of course with big money and place to stay. John Cech who loves Johnny’s Entertainment of course wouldn’t decline the offer but he accepted it with a condition that he can go back to his country when he needed to. Johnny Kitagawa then agreed to it as he really wanted to payback his life savior.
“ohhh that is a long story nee” Chinen Yuri said.
“well quite long” John Cech said, then they laughed together.
As they have their conversations they realized it was quite late so they decided to leave. Chinen Yuri wanted to leave but John Cech said that he would accompany Chinen Yuri as John Cech said that he don’t want Chinen to be crying again on his way back. When they’ve arrive at the Chinen’s house John Cech said…
“you know you can cry out at me again if you want to I didn’t mind though.although we have just met …..because it is not good to immersed that feeling for a long time, also looks like you don,t have any friend to tell it too?”
“well kind of”
“then you can come to me again”
“well it’s kind of awkward though to do that. You’re a stranger and I’ve just meet you I don’t know if you are a good person or the opposites.”
“don’t be. Aren’t we under the same boss afterall?”
“technically… yeah…”
“so I’m not a mere stranger and now I’m a friend of you. How’s that?”
“well that’s true.”
“then you can come to me again”
“hahaha what a kind person aren’t you. Well then if that’s the case then let’s exchange numbers”
“are you serious?!!!” John Cech said kind of surprised.
“wow wow aren’t you the one that wanted to be friend with me? Why so excited now? But ofcourse, you said that I can come to you when I want right? So it’s easier if I have your numbers and you have mine. now let us exchange our numbers”
“oh okay”
Then they exchange their numbers.
“text me when you have arrive at your place okay?”
“ahh okay”
“see you tomorrow nee”
“ehh what? Tomorrow?”
“yes, I just wanted to know you more so I’ll call you tomorrow and meet again nee. Jaa ne oyasuminasai”
“ahh oyasumi”
Chinen Yuri then walked himself towards his house and go straight to his bedroom to prepare himself to bed. When he tugged himself under his comforter his handphone ringing and there is a text that said “I’m John I’ve arrived”. Chinen then replied the text “goodnight then”. Before Chinen Yuri goes to his slumber he thinks that he has met a good person, a person who he can trust and tell all of his problem, he felt that this John Cech is going to be his new bestfriend.

fanfic, the heartbreak, yamachii, rating: pg-13, chinen x oc, yamajima

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