I had one of those "is this table really here" moments. I was thinking, maybe my coworkers have blogs where they complain about me. That really blew my mind away.
So the dream is over friends. Last Thursday I had moved into my new space, which is a good 5-8 minutes away from the main office, on a different floor, totally different wing. I was loving life. It was me, my new iMac, in a concrete room with no phone, in all it's beige and kafka-esque glory. And then today, one of my coworkers blurts out right in front of my boss, "so is it lonely in your new space." I was seriously demoralized. And now, my boss, who probably wouldn't have figured out that I had moved, as long as I kept our 7:00 AM meetings, is totally keen on the idea of putting more people in my office. I'm like, dude, the whole reason for me to be there is so that I can write manuscripts in peace. I wrote at least 5 pages today while listening to NWA before being summoned to the main office. What irked me even more was that the only stipulation that my coworkers had to abide by was not to let my boss know where it is. That was the only thing. And two days into it, it's over.
Is it bad that I wanted to say to her in a kind of joking, but not really, manner, "why don't you stuff more Lindt Truffles in your face? That may shut you up."
This is how I felt
Well friends, there's always money in the banana stand. Night Night.