Jan 20, 2011 06:57
1. I went to a NEWS concert!
I have went to one even before I joined the jimusho, but in october's tokyo dome public performance I got to sit on the staff seat! It was like a dream-.
2. I've learned acrobatics.
With training I have learned backflip and ronbaku (cartwheel+backflip). Did you see when I showed it in 'SUMMARY'?
3. I'm moved by Takizawa Hideaki-kun's kindness.
When we appeared together in Tokyo friend park, he talked to me a lot, and hit darts (disconnected?) scourer, and it moved me. *I don't know what he means xD*
4. Koyama Keichiiro-kun used my nickname...!
Before the recording of "the shounen club", Koyama-kun asked me "Do you have a nickname?". "My friends in school call me 'Hokku-'!", I said, and in that recording he called me that!
5. I was in 'SUMMARY'!
It was a long time period of public preformances, but my physical comdition remained healthy til the end, and that was good.
6. Cutting my hair is a massive failure!?
I cut my hair in the summer, it was short and felt out of place, I thought "This isn't me!". Because of that shock, I haven't cut it in 5 months...
7. I've started with deco.
Decorating various things with rhinestones has been my hobby since the start of this year.
8. I became the class representative.
In junior high I've done many stupid things, but I thought I should do something last for people (laugh).
9. In the music developement meet, excellence prize possession.
Among three classes I got the best prize. Because I was the part-leader I was happy!
10. This year too duet prize for perfect attendance *star*
I feel that duet loves us. We even got to be on the front cover twice (laugh). Because of that, I have fun in the photoshoots.
group:b.i. shadow,
member:matsumura hokuto,