Bloody Gloves and Bedsheets

Aug 20, 2004 04:46

I know that in reality boxers hold each other during matches so they can take a rest and not get hit. The referee frowns at this. Just for a second let's pretend that they embrace because they feel such a bond with each other that they can't wait to express it. Even in the middle of a match. Even with all those eyes watching. Even with the referee's disapproval. Trading, exchanging flesh for flesh and blood for blood. And if you think boxing is brutish, ugly, pointless, then I would ask you what you think about 95% of the sex that is being had in this world.




There are some similarities that may have been overlooked. Very few people look good after either. If both people know what they're doing then it can go on all night. And think about this: Many great writers went to the fights, but very few had successful sex lives. Maybe that's why they went in the first place. Looking for something they couldn't find in the bedroom. You could be asking yourselves what I'm doing waxing philosophical about boxing and sex when I know so little about either one. That may be true, but I pay attention to things other people overlook. And in the end, after the knockout, after the orgasm. Whether you retire to your corner or light a cigarette, touch gloves, cuddle, celebrate or sleep, you've made a connection. Brutish, ugly or pointless. All in one.
or something more.
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