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cenea March 22 2008, 09:18:16 UTC
Eee! I enjoyed your meme - the best things really do beging with 'C' :) And now I *really* need a cup of coffee :)

Ooooh, you play the cello? I used to play the violin (before RSI put paid to that) but always sort of preferred the sound of the cello, especially on its own. The violin can sound a bit 'eeeeeuuuugh!' but the cello is usually more 'aaaaaaaaaah'!

Loving the cats and crack!fic, too!


johnnypurple March 22 2008, 10:58:44 UTC
Mmmmmm, coffee. I tried for a bit to go without. But I failed. And now I admit I am a slave. But I love it, I do.

Well, I used to play cello but haven't played for a long while. Amazingly though, even when I go for 6 months or a year without playing, and then do actually get it out, my fingers still kinda remember what to do. It's my ear that's shot to pieces now unfortunately. I never practised enough to get RSI. *sigh* One muso in the family is enough. My sis plays oboe.

Hey, tell me about your cat/s. Please? (my icon is of wee Toby, when he was wee).


cenea March 22 2008, 11:12:01 UTC
I'm a complete coffee addict. And it's got to be the poncy (sp?) proper stuff too - I get through an expresso machine with over-use at least once a year!

Yeah, its wierd how you don't forget to play, isn't it? I can still play too, when I try. Not sure it was the violin that caused the RSI, though...more like too much gaming and typing!!

Toby is beautiful! My baby (see icon)is called Florence, and she lives with my mum and dad, although I go and see her at least once a week. I live in a really small flat, so I can't have any other cats yet, but I'm so addicted I actually stalk around the area when I get lonely looking for cats to cuddle! I probably miss Florence more than my parents (shhh - don't tell anyone ;)) She's a stupidly cuddly cat, and follows people around the house permanently, purring louder than Darth Vader. She's also obsessed by my Dad, and will make precarious leaps from anywhere just to get on his lap!


johnnypurple March 22 2008, 11:27:07 UTC
God yes - proper coffee! Though I don't have an expresso machine - only a stove-top percolator. But it's better than bloody plunger coffee. Or "instant coffee drink" (which does not taste like coffee. bah ( ... )


cenea March 22 2008, 12:07:35 UTC
*starts on second cup of coffee of the day with choccy biccies* - yum ( ... )


rhosyndu March 23 2008, 07:31:51 UTC
*butts in* And what's wrong with cafetierre coffee? I rather like it. Though I whole-heartedly agree with you on coffee granules; no food or drink should ever come in granules.


johnnypurple March 23 2008, 11:00:05 UTC
i will have to come to your cafetierre and drink the coffee and then i'll decide. ok? :)


rhosyndu March 23 2008, 11:29:54 UTC
This is fair. And while you're over we could watch some of the sexy ghey, Y/Y?


johnnypurple March 23 2008, 11:41:26 UTC
that sounds like a super plan! did you have any particular sexy ghey in mind?? not that i'm fussy mind. i'm a bit of a slut when it comes to slash. (a slash slut - ha!)

Oh! Hey! I just remembered! Have you seen the film of Three Men in a Boat??! It has Michael Palin and Tim Curry playing two of the three. Made in the 70s. Me, Nix and DB watched it today and have now decided that when we all make it back to the UK to do a bit more travelling around bonny Scotland (we loooooooove Scotland!) we are also going to do a bit of slashy boating on the Thames, 3 men-style! Wheeeeee! It will be so much fun! So, um, maybe this coffee/ghey date could be sometime then...? Not that i know when this will be, mind. Could not be for a few years - the way my bank account looks at the moment. ;-)

I can't look at "Y/Y" or "Y/N" now and not think of letter slash! I am broken now. I am broken and I want to read more! O_O


rhosyndu March 23 2008, 11:51:00 UTC
Anything and everything? I fancy some LotR myself, or some Black Books, though Labyrinth is on the side atm, tempting me with David Bowie's codpiece.

I've not seen it: any good? Anywhere near as half as ghey as Dara, Griff and Rory? [I mean, that's a fair old amount of ghey to live up to, but, y'know, Tim Curry...]

Hell yeah, if you're over this side of the world it'd be rude not to see you - and I'll dash to Scotland with any excuse at all. [Going up Edinburgh in a month- so bloody happy!]


johnnypurple March 23 2008, 23:00:38 UTC
Anything and everything?! I like it! I also fancy some LotR (hobbits! say I, Daisy! says you) (I also say Daisy!) Also little David (Bowie that is) is always, er, welcome...?! ;-)

3miB filum was alright actually. Pretty funny. I started out doubting the ghey, wondering how it could possibly be as slashy as Griff & co's version. But it's about 3 male friends who go boating on the Thames - what could be more gay than that!?!! And the fashions! It's worth watching it just for the fashions alone! (including little hat-cap-things like the one Griff wears!) Tim Curry has a very strange moustache - so he's not exactly Frank N'Furter hot, but it's still Tim Curry! Oh yes, also, hot blazers - yeah, HAWT! ;-)

Oooh, Scotland! 'm jealous. :)


cenea March 24 2008, 09:47:06 UTC
*waves shyly*

Um...hi, just remembered I never asked for a letter! Can I have one, pleasy pleasy? I've never done a meme before!


johnnypurple March 24 2008, 11:20:39 UTC
your first ever meme!?!?! wowee! and me, popping your meme cheery too!

Ok, um. How about.... M!


cenea March 24 2008, 12:08:10 UTC
Yay! Thanks :) I will duly pop my meme cherry today ;)


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