Sorry to spam. I'm watching Torchwood 2.03 and it's taking forever to stream. I really should go to bed instead - but you know, I'm sucked in. Also Jack said "This is a Griff Manipulator" (ie. Griff from Three Men in a Boat) which has sparked some strange thoughts.
Meanwhile, a meme snagged from somewhere or other:
Choose five series (no peeking before you choose them), list them, and then answer the questions behind the cut.
1. Top Gear
2. Doctor Who
3. Yu-Gi-Oh
4. Harry Potter
5. Dexter
1. Which is your favorite series from your list?
At the moment, Dexter. But Doctor Who is My Show. (Is Harry Potter a series? Oop!)
2. If you were to pair two characters from 1 and 4, who would they be?
James May and Remus Lupin. They would be joined in dorky clothing, flopsy hair and a love of proper grammar.
3. What is one thing you'd like to change about 3's plotline?
To make it less about a children's card game and more about TEH SLASH! Also, more Bukora! And more Yami-Yugi. And seeing as I seem to have the power here, why don't you include a nice chunk of Roy Orbison Wrapped in Cling Film action! Oh, it said one thing. It's almost like I can't actually read.
4. If both main characters of 2 and 5 were falling off a cliff, which one would you save?
Mmm, tough call. I think it would be Dexter, because the Doctor can regenerate so wouldn't actually die from the fall. Unless his body was splattered into many different pieces - what then? Does anyone know about that kind of thing in Time Lord lore? But I might also be so distracted by the pretty that I'd forget to save either of them. Oops.
5. Which event was the most horrible for you in 1?
In the Africa Special, when I thought Oliver was DEAD! I was all 'OH NOES! POOR RICHARD! WOE! WOE! JUST WHEN HE'D FOUND HIS ONE TRUE LOVE! WOE!' etc. But it was all alright in the end. :-) For non-TG-viewers, Oliver is a car.
6. Which is your least favorite character of 2?
I'm sorry to say it's Martha. I really wanted to like her. But she was too much of a Rose copy. I did like her in the last ep of S3 when she finally stood up for herself and told the Doctor to fuck off, but that was it.
7. If the antagonist of 3 were to rape the main character of 1, what would you do?
What do you mean? How would I intervene? Ok, so basically it's Kaiba raping - ah, Jeremy Clarkson? That's pretty funny actually. I'd hand Kaiba a whip and maybe some handcuffs and I'd lay money down that Clarkson was actually enjoying it. For those of you who don't know who Kaiba is, here's a picture of him and his Coat of Doom:
8. What song reminds you of 5?
The music that plays with the opening credits for Dexter. Not really a song, but hey. I was humming it at work and thinking about serial killing. *whistles* Nothing, what?
9. Of 1, 3, and 5, which is the easiest to think about?
Er, I don't understand the question. I can think about them all, quite easily actually. Maybe that's just how my brain works. Maybe Top Gear? But that could be because I'm most involved in that fandom and thus think about TG probably far more than is good for me.
10. Are the protagonists of 2 and 4 similar?
Harry Potter and the Doctor. Yes, I guess so. Heroic, self-sacrificing, speak with British accents, wear brainy specs, wield tools of the trade (wand, sonic screwdriver), have sidekicks, have enemies, have sad childhoods, can come back from 'the dead', have made megabucks for their creators (as least I assume those who made/are making DW are getting something for it!). Only the Doctor is omnisexual and clever, while Harry goes out with a human hosepipe and then a slut king because any Weasley is better than no Weasley even if Ginny was not his first choice. Also Harry is not clever and should have stayed dead. That is my final word.
TW still bloody loading. Maybe I should go to bed. Maybe I'll watch The Pash and then go to bed. heh heh.