now with more awesome and more mullet

May 25, 2009 20:20

Twitter can be unexpectedly, randomly, completely awesome. (This post is mainly for the benefit of nixwilliams. Beware: vague possible SPOILERS for Supernatural Season 4 Finale.)
Me (some day last week): Looking at pictures of Chad Lindberg is not writing. Nor is it research. Nor is it going to bring Ash back to SPN. *weeps* OK, be strong.
ChadLindberg (on Sunday): @johnnypurple No, looking at pictures of Chad Lindberg is not writing, nor is it research. It is however considered...extra credit.
Me: @ChadLindberg Ash? Is that really you? ... Er, I mean. Hi Chad! :) Any chance we'll see you on Supernatural again?!
ChadLindberg: @johnnypurple Indeed it is!! It's always possible I guess. I mean, it IS Supernatural..anyone can die and come back. Have a great weekend!
Me: @ChadLindberg I thought you should come back as - the Devil! Devil-Ash! Like Twin Peaks' Devil Bob, only more awesome and more mullety!
ChadLindberg: @johnnypurple A Devil Ash!! I like that!!
Me: @ChadLindberg You do? Brilliant! Can I tell you the rest of my idea: you have fauny goat legs with red fur & a tail!
Me: @ChadLindberg You should suggest it to Kripke! Also, it would sound better coming from you than me! ;)
And now I'm awaiting any reply to that. I'll keep you posted (all TWO of you who possibly care). This bizarre and unexpected internet exchange came on top an already awesome weekend, like the icing I didn't really need! :D

wtf self? (i am ruining my childhood), to laugh outside extremely, fauns, what was it i'm meant to be doing?, i am not a creepy stalker (yet), supernatural (pretty boys; hot car), crack, mullets (the hairstyle of the gods)

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