So, my most recent fic
Turning Circle (Colin/Bradley Merlin RPS) was written for
bradleycolin's RPS Challenge #1. And now, please, if you will...
VOTE FOR IT!...because you love me my fics, right? Voting closes on May 2, 2009 @ 11PM BST (SOON!). I cannot vote for my own fic so this is my best chance at rigging it er *shifty eyes* I mean, read the other fics and decide! ;D
In other news:
Today has been declared lurker amnesty day! Have you read me but never commented? Do you surf by occasionally? Here for the fic? The randomness? Say hello! You are under no obligation to ever comment or delurk again, but here's a chance to do so in a post just for that. You can even do it anonymously if you're really that shy!