Turtle head rubbing my boxers

Jul 07, 2006 08:45

I haven't updated this thing in a little while.
I am on my first day off since starting work Friday Night, June 30th. So, I have worked ~80 hours straight without a single day off. I get today and tomorrow until 8 pm, then I have to go back in. Doctoring is hard work damnit. My last pt last night is affectionately called "Crack Granny" as she is almost seventy years old and smokes crack. I don't know if I would have liked any other hospital system because all of my patients here are pretty much like the Granny o' crack.
I was glad to see how many of you came down for a visit before I started work after I invited you several times. Let see...me seeing you at your hometown 2,3,4 times-you 0. I like those ratios! TJ, you owe me gas money. Well, I will say ifn you want to see me again, you will have to come visit me. I don't get much time off. I don't expect you to come on down this way because it is just too far. Hmmm, I guess the inverse is shorter.
Enough with the guilt trip!
I have adult clinic on Mondays at a place called Stanton Road Clinic. I also have a children's clinic on Wed. at a place called Children's Medical Center. If you need a physician and you are in town, come on by and see me.

Eat shit.
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