May 30, 2006 16:03
A theater meme, sort of. Pick a handful of plays, ones you've worked on, seen, or read and list your favorite moment. Maybe not your favorite, if that's too hard, but a memorable line or something.
1. True West -- Every single silence.
2. Measure for Measure, DK style -- The rain was just fucking cool. Also, when David called Wonderwall correctly. ;)
3. Fuddy Meers -- The end, again. What is it with me and ends? That sadness is like another country. Alternately, "ISH IS GEHT MASO!!" because it's fucking hilarious.
4. Streetcar Named Desire -- Blanche frantically throwing the contents of her chest out on the floor.
5. Ragtime -- Coalhouse throwing himself down on Sarah's casket.
6. The Swan -- So far, my favorites are all the scenes where the swan does not speak, particularly when he is eating or drinking something.
7. Quills -- The abbe locked up: "A quill!! A quill!!!" and of course the dancing hands ....
8. Three Sisters -- Everything Andrej says.