im legal!

Mar 13, 2005 22:29

gah, i can finally update. my mom thinks im a porn fiend or something and basically put up a password for the internet the last 2 weeks. it was nonsense. but now she took it away finally cuz i bitched at her. ah, soo much to talk about.
my birthday was friday woot woot. thursday with the day off allie came over and made me french toast and sausage n got danishes and stuff after we laid in bed. it was the best. she got me presents too! PRESENTS. i got a nice leather wallet n she put pictures in it which i love, cuz my other wallet was a $1 piece of crap. also she got me jimmy eat world/taking back sunday tickets. 3rd row, pit suckers. plus she bought me the donnie darko directors cut, its the bomb. its got tons of new stuff. my parents just bought me gym clothes and under armour stuff so i can get buff haha. jenna got me a playboy too. annnnd i got my other ear pierced. eventually it'll b guaged like the other one, it looks silly now but oh well. with birthday money from relatives i bought gran turismo 4, its sooo sick. its the best game ever. on friday, me allie nat jenna and michelle went to philly to the joint, where i got an exceptional parking spot if i do say so myself. there we ate the best burritos ever and then chilled with this black guy playing the guitar on the street, he was cool. i gave him my last 2 dollars. now im poor. then we went im some twisted second hand store. apparently they dont understand the concept of used t-shirts and stuff cuz it was all like $20. who does that? anyway it was gay. after that we went home and me and allie saw 'be cool'. i got home like super late, like after 1 and my parents dont believe me that im allowed to stay out til 12 now. i still have to convince them.
snowboarding is... well kinda sad. the season is drawing to an end. but its all good, this season was great. im gonna try and go alot before bear closes. there is probably only like 2 weeks left. but its all good. whiteface this year was incredible. good memories. but hey, when snowboarding ends that just means frolfing begins people so dont be sad!
im still kicking schools ass surprisingly too. i got a 285/300 on my research paper. im amazing i know. calc actually got easy for once, i hope it stays that way. plus mr. morgan must be getting tons of pussy cuz he has been super nice for the past 2 weeks. i want to personally thank his wife and tell her to keep up the good work.
so thats all i got, lemme hear from you people. tell me how its going, peace.
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