Because I've found it. Well guess what, adiplomat: were I a member of that board anymore, I would think fondly of your absence from it as well. Because I fucking hate you. I don't mean that little annoyed feeling you get from people online, I mean I hate your dumb ass. I know you have a livejournal, so you can read this if you like. But I also know you're a complete pussy about criticism, and you're probably "done with me" because I'm using lots of foul language. Well, it's only going to get worse you shit-eating son of a bitch.
The worst part of your idiotic little pity-party is the self-righteousness which is almost overtaking the self-pity. Well, you can go fuck yourself with something sharp and rusty, because I've seen your ass get down and dirty with the rest of us during flaming, and you ain't no fucking better, you bitch. To pretend that you are is pure hypocrisy. Not that you're any stranger to that. Fuckhead.
The only thing you're correct about is that other people have it worse than you...but you missed the reason: it's because they have to read the self-involved drivel you write.
There are plenty of days you want to die? Well guess what: there are plenty of days I want you to die. Seems like every day. Oh wait, it IS every day. Fuck you, and die. The world would be better off without self-righteous twats like you fucking it up for people who don't live the way you (or, for that matter, I) think is right, and yet don't annoy the ever-living shit out of me with their total and complete pig-headed arrogant ignorance.
Goddamn. You've done something I didn't think anyone could do: you've exhausted my supply of anger. I can only sit here and dully hope that you'll manage to kill yourself in some ironic way, or, at the very least, kill yourself.
So get to it, will you? You'll only be doing the world a favor.