Mar 02, 2009 19:18
While I finally am getting into my stride in Bulgaria (and I am finally interested in going back there), I just couldn't pass up this opportunity: I’m now Hudson’s consultant for Greece as well as Bulgaria. I feel bad that this will probably cut into the time I can spend in Sofia. Especially because of the recession, the company will be cutting back on travel... and now I'll have to split my time between Athens and Sofia.
But... Athens. I don't think I have ever been so excited to see any particular country (with the possibility of Ireland). I can't even count the number of nights I stayed up as a kid until dawn reading over my D'Aulaires' book of Greek myths... except in the torn pages and the broken spine. I can't really imagine walking in the same places as those ancient heroes. To see where Demosthenes delivered his philippics, to see where Alexander and Pericles walked… it’s almost too much to be believed. I’m going to try to keep my expectations low (I mean… it’s been like 3000 years since that time period), but I can’t believe I’ll actually be able to head back and forth to Athens with some regularity. If there is anything I truly believe in, it is democracy… going to its birthplace kind of feels like going home.
And even if it’s for a stupid business trip… I just can’t wait to go.