Mar 08, 2009 06:10
1) worst soundtrack ever
2) most needlessly violent slow-mo ever. (Hard Target being the exception)
3) most non-ambiguous movie ending based on a morally ambiguous comic book ever.
4) most laughter by a movie audience at completely inappropriate moments ever.
(it sounded like we were surrounded by a room fool of sociopaths...laughter during the murders, during the attempted-rape scene, during the sex scene)
5) most scenes lifted directly from a comic book ever. A competent screenplay is not a movie.
6) most naked butts i've ever seen in any movie. "so many butts" - as Jill taglined the movie.
7) most naked wangs i've ever seen in a movie (this was actually okay and was preferable to the many butts)
i had a dude's head in front of me the entire i guess, to be far, i didn't really see the whole thing. place a casaba melon at the bottom of your television, as though it were a child attempting to go blind, and that's what i saw (or didn't see).
um....was it a competent attempt at a movie that couldn't be made? maybe.
made by a competent director? no. If he wanted to make a fucking watchmen movie, he should have made a watchmen movie and not a scene-for-scene reproduction of a comic book. They did that already. Except on paper, and with more talking. It was called Watchmen the fucking comic book.
Up side to not reading the comic beforehand - You might be able to actually enjoy it as a movie and not the moving, semi-acted version of that book you read.
Down side of not reading the comic beforehand - you will have little or no idea what the fuck is happening or who what person is for half the film.
Was it watch-able (zing)? sure. you could watch this thing. go watch it.
1 hour of slow motion, 1 hour of awkward, 20 minutes of monotone talking.
20 minutes of actually really cool shit.