This week on No Moms Allowed

Jul 16, 2007 23:30

Expect an awesome, sweet, hour long tribute to one of my favorite bands since the 5th grade (wow, has it really been that long since I've been listening to them?) Less Than Jake. If you're wondering who the other 3 bands are on my "can do no wrong" list, they are, in no particular order, of course, Rancid, The World/Inferno Friendship Society, and The Meteors. Remember to tune in this and every Wednesday to No Moms Allowed on Radiate FM, FIU student radio. The station is 95.3 and 88.1 on your FM dial if you're in Miami. It's also online everywhere else on Also, I'm working on a podcast for it, for all you kids that are into that. Stay tuned for more info on that, and also maybe a video blog of each set I do each show on No Moms Allowed to be put up on the youtube. Complaints? Compliments? Comments? Send 'em my way, you know I love all you wonderful, wonderful boys and girls that read this.

Until next I post,
-Rev. Johnny "Rattlesnake" Midnite!
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