I did it too...

Mar 07, 2006 00:26

1.Where were you when the ball dropped for 2006? In the living room of my lovely apta

2. How did you get the idea for your profile name? It's for my fave guy...John Mayer, just a cute twist on his name, and gal well b/c I'm a girl..duh

3. What time were you born? 11:55 am, just in time for lunch...hehe

4. What song are you playing now? Nuttin, Tami is watching her soap

5. Has the death of a celebrity ever made you cry? Nope, but I cried when Sept 11th happened

6. Have you ever seen a celebrity? Well, I've seen plenty at concerts, I was like 10 feet from Paula Abdul in Disney World, and I went to the Winfrey and saw all of the memebers of Nsync except Chris when they were leaving town after their concert...I'm a dork, I know

7. Do you want a baby? Of course, I actually want 3 some day

8. What did you do this morning? Slept in, yeah I missed class...

9. What does your mom do for a living? She's a supervisor for Southern Nuclear Operating Company, it's a tough job man, my mom is a freakin genius

10. What ended your last relationship(s)? serious relationship? He went away to a different school, we were young

11. Did you have a date for Valentines? I sure did, my first "real" Valentine, it was exciting!

12. What are the last 2 digits of your phone number? 75

13. What was the last concert you attended? Michael Tolcher and Sister Hazel

14. Who was with you? A ton of folks from Motown, but mostly Russell, my roommates, Eric, the usual

15. What was the last movie you watched? Just Friends, Ryan Reynolds is B-E-A-utiful

16. Who do you dislike at the moment? Who do you think? The same girl I always hate, damn Movie Gallery bitch! :)

17. What food do you crave right now? Doritos or cheez-its, not sure which one

18. Did you dream last night? I don't remember

19. What was the last TV show you watched? The toys show on VH1

20. What is your favorite piece of jewelry? My lambda chi lavalier :), and my 1 carat diamond ring mom got me for Christmas

21. What was the last thing you ate? chocolate chip kudo bar

22. Who is your best friend of the opposite sex? Russell

23. Write a song lyric that's in your head. "Who do you think you are? Barging in on me and my guitar." i love Rent

24. Are you on any meds? Just me good ol' BC

25. What side of the bed do you sleep on? Left side

26. What shirt are you wearing? PJ tank top

27. What is your favorite frozen treat? Frappachino...is that how you spell it?

28. How many tattoos/piercings do you have? 3 in one ear, 2 in the other

29. What's your favorite store? Stein Mart, Old Navy, Layne Bryant, Gap, DSW, Nine West

30. Are you thirsty right now? Nope, just drank a cherry coke

31. Can you imagine yourself ever getting married? Of course, in a couple of years I hope!

32. Who's someone you haven't seen in a while and miss? Kristin Nicole Werner!

33. What did you do yesterday? Hung out with Russell, chapter, studying, McDonald's with everyone after chapter, hung out with Lisa on the hall and did homework

34. Do you care what people think about you? Yep, it's a flaw

35. Have you ever done something to instigate trouble? Ugh, no, I hate people like that

36. What song(s) do you think exes (or intense crushes) listen to and think of you? I have no idea

37. What song(s) do you listen to and think of exes (or intense crushes)? Mariah Carey stuff, For the Longest Time by Billy Joel, sappy songs

38. What is one thing you wish you were better at? Telling folks I love them, going to class, calling people back

39. What goals do you have for this year? Work out, go to class, stop procrastinating, and find a good job
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