Nov 10, 2004 00:17

I wrote the fucking book on procrastinating. Seriously. ISBN: 0446530719

So like all of us, I have a lot on my plate. I did a pretty decent job getting my life organized during my free time on the bus ride to Indianapolis this past Thursday. Now the only thing I have to do is follow up on it. Oh right. That's the part I NEVER DO!

I ran Jazz I rehearsal today in Jeff's absence. I thought it actually went pretty well. I lesson planned a rehearsal with a lot of playing and not a lot of talking, because noone listens to me when I talk. But since I had that information going in, I could work within that system. And then tonight the Jazz Lab had a pretty good rehearsal, so a good day for jazz overall.

I play the trumpet better than I ever have. That's a positive. The negative is that now that I've discovered the full potential of my air, I'm over-powering the trumpet I play on. The result is either I back off and miss notes, or I give it all I got and black out. Both undesirable.

So I've spent a rehearsal playing Jeff Holmes' horn, and things were better. Jeremy Wardwell plays on the same model horn as Jeff, so when he can find it he'll be lending it to me, and then I can spend some more in depth time checking that out. I've also emailed Eric Berlin to get a lesson with him and really discuss what is and what isn't working with my horn so I know what to look for. Then I think I'll go down to Gerry's and get a feel for play-testing and zero in what I'm looking for. The final step wiill hopefully be a trip to Dillon's (hopefully with someone who can listen to me and pass me horns for blind testing) and of course the only way I'll be able to afford to upgrade will be to trade in my current horn. So I also need to take that to Dick's and get it overhauled after I get Jeremy's. As already mentioned in this entry, I've got it all figured out. Now all I have to do is do it. So we'll see!

I just took out an unlabeled MiniDisc and discovered a recording of Chapel Jazz from when I was last in it. And it has this HILARIOUS introduction by Jason Sulliman who I just miss a whole bunch now. I'm sure that he was up in the balcony at Bowker where I always recorded, and I told him how to start it and to just watch it for me, and of course he couldn't sit behind a microphone and not do something. Love that Jason Sulliman.

Is it still non-kosher to use full names in blogs? Because how else would you know? I think we have bigger problems in the world.

I've decided I'm definetly going to audition for the Disney band. It's February 5th at Berklee. Berkley? The one in Boston. Matt Cullen knows! It's actually in the auditorium I've played in before with the UMass Drumline, so at least I've got that going for me. So now we can go to the next level and talk about fear. I'm afraid that I'll get in, and I'll really have to do it. And then I'm afraid that I get down there and fail. And then I'm also afraid that I succeed. Honestly, I'm not ready to be that person. Ben Griffin was that person. It's scary. And that's the real reason I wanted people to come up with a long list of cons that would talk me out of it, but I just have to do it. I'm only ever going to be able to try it while I'm enrolled in college, so it's now or never.

Well that's enough updating for tonight. I'd better get something done. But I probably won't.
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