Alright, I've watched the new eps a few times now, and I'm already getting sick of something that the writers continue to harp on via certain characters. I apologize in advance to all my Cas/Dean shipping friends out there XD. Consider this your warning, maybe you shouldn't read any further *LOL*. I have a feeling a few people will probably defriend me over this, but that's your choice. I just feel the writers have already shown themselves to be a little sloppy this season.
Okay, I get that Sam let himself be duped by all the demons, especially Ruby, and yes, he chose the black-eyed bitch and her venomous blood over his own brother. I also get that Dean let himself be led along a bit by the angels, and didn't get angry and grow his backbone again soon enough *sighs*.
But DAMMIT! Sam and Dean didn't destroy the goddamn world, ok?
First off, Sam was being manipulated, it's not like he set out to free Lucifer. Though his methods were...stupid to say the least, his heart was in the right place. Everyone was toying with him in the end, angels and demons alike!
And Dean, well, he didn't really have a choice when the damn ANGELS basically strung him along with cryptic hints about how he'd stop it, and, lets see...
Oh yeah. They KIDNAPPED HIM AND KEPT HIM FROM STOPPING SAM FROM KILLING LILITH. The boys could have stopped the apocalypse, but certain angels wanted it to happen! With all the trickery and keeping Dean locked up like that, how were they supposed to know which way was up?
Oh and the scene were Castiel says Sam and Dean destroyed the world, after guilt tripping Dean about killing angels? I'm sorry, did you writers forget what you had Cas do last season, you know, LETTING SAM OUT OF THE CAGE, ENABLING HIM TO KILL LILITH AND BREAK THE FINAL SEAL? Not to mention letting Zach keep Dean in a cage of his own, even after it was revealed just how twisted the situation really was? Maybe, if SAM HADN'T BEEN LET OUT, or Dean had been let out SOONER, none of this would have happened.
Besides, I don't really see the whole damn world laying in ruins, do you? Lucifer took a vessel, and sure, War managed to decimate one (very) small town. But Sam and Dean stopped him, so yeah... Screw you. Go Team Winchester! One down, three to go.
If I hear one more character harp on about how Sam and Dean 'destroyed the world', I swear to God I'm waiting for the dvds of s5! *grumbles*