Saw Sunshine yesterday. Hmm, what to say? Well, first of all I love the Alien template: a small crew, deep in space on a ship, getting a distress signal. Sadly, Sunshine doesn't do much with the promising situation. As long as the film seemed episodic, with the crew periodically discussing chances of success and fear of dying, tending the
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But then it warms my heart when a big deal team like the Mets, who wasn't giving Julio Franco chances to bat much but then saying he's not hitting well, decide to let him go and that same team I got so angry with back in the early nineties picks him up (taking him back, actually, as he used to be a Brave until 2006) and immediately starts using him and giving him a lot of at bats so he can effectively get in his spring training. And that he starts hitting fairly well pretty quickly. And that every time the first few games he came up to bat the crowd went nuts for him.
It makes me happy to be a Braves fan, even though I know they'll disappoint me later by cutting someone else I really like loose.
And I saw that the Braves picked up Franco--I'm rooting for him to play until he's fifty!
Johnny Illuminati
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