Camps, of the Health and Casey Varieties

Nov 13, 2006 10:54

I subbed again last Friday, and, despite being told I would be in a World History class--which would be right up my alley--I was put in a Physics class. I know next to nothing about Physics, and the regular teacher probably assumed that--every class just had a worksheet they did all period. Wow, that was boring. I brought a book and read for a few hours.

After school, I went up to Waco to visit my friends Clint and Josephine again. Clint wanted to go check out the town of Crawford, so we went down there Saturday. It's basically a crossroads, with one blinking light where the two small highways cross each other. The town was quiet since neither GW nor Cindy were there, but we saw "Camp Casey," Sheehan's encampment, which to me was a sloppy assortment of "statements"--crosses to represent war dead, a flag at half-staff, a huge picture of her son Casey, and a large tepee (why?). Equally ridiculous were the signs plastered all over town in support of Bush--"Smoke 'em Out 43!" was my personal favorite. The one store we went into had everything you could ever want with either GW's face or the Presidential Seal on it--mouse pads, magnets, key chains, T-Shirts, even beanie babies. No wonder so many people don't take politics seriously--the whole place was a circus. The "Western White House" and "Camp Casey" are what the press thinks is important? But I enjoyed the whole freak show nevertheless...

And I got to go to Health Camp, which is anything but healthy. It's one of the great little burger joints in Waco.
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