Jun 16, 2005 13:08
Wow kiddies. I know Uncle John hasn't been to Livejournalville in quite some time, but I want you to know that he isn't neglecting you, just very very very busy. Lots of things have been happening lately; some good, some stressful, but none that are entirely awful and horrible. I made the decision the other day that I no longer like my current living situation and will be moving out at the end of July. Long story short: Our personalities clashed. THE END. I already have another roommate lined up. He was an old resident of mine when I was an RA in Woodward~Anderson Hall and I think that living with him will definitely be an adventure and a whole lotta fun. Work is stressful.....very stressful, but we're all coping nicely. I've been busy the last few days working at the Psychology Institutes, which gets me away from the hussel and bussel of the office and some time to relax and actually breath. This is my last summer working for Summer Session and with the way things are running, I'm kinda glad. I'll miss the people. You can't work at a place for over 4 years and not expect to be attached....even the slightest bit. On the dating front....I had a date last night with a beau that was much younger than myself, but the maturity was there as well as the laughs and the attraction. We had a good time. He got me to reexperience Thai Food, which I swore I wouldn't eat again and then some coffee in the Old Port. The evening ended with us watching a movie at my place and us waking up, realizing that he was late getting home (19 year olds still have curfews sometimes). Cuddling skills-9.5 Conversation-9 Flirting-9.75 Looks-9.5 Possibilities of a second date-Absofuckinglutely. He's young, but I definitely see some potential there. Such a great guy.
All in all things are good. I am financially drained which can cause some stress, but that's life and I just take it day by day. Things are looking positive....NOW IT'S TIME TO FIND THAT FALL JOB....OY VAY!!!