--Bowie talking about Moz at 3:48. I think he calls him an "asexual Alan Bennett," lol. I don't know if it's because I don't care care about "I Know It's Gonna Happen Someday" or because I haven't listened to "Rock 'N' Roll Suicide" for a while, but I have no idea what Bowie's on about.
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--I love Nick Cave's "There She Goes, My Beautiful World" and I'm listening to it now after not having heard it for a while. Fuck, it's so good! I used to listen to it on loop while writing my papers an hour before the classes for which they were due. Oh, college.
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Like Jarvis, Cave is another one I really want to see in concert and may never have the opportunity. OHIO. COME TO IT.
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And now I am preoccupied contemplating Jarvis dancing vs. Cave dancing.
--It's Paul McCartney's birthday today (or technically yesterday, whatever). I don't know how old he is, like 90 or something. Watch this video, I love it.
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I think a long while ago someone on my flist said she hated this video because Paul was reduced to choreography, but if there's one thing I love, it's choreography. Especially unexpected choreography from unexpected people. Love this song, love this video. And they tried to make Macca look all young and hip in his suit and loosened tie and tennis shoes, and you know what? IT TOTALLY WORKS ON ME. Except I still wish he'd stop dying his hair because seriously nothing is foxier than a well-aged man who doesn't mind showing how well-aged he is. (I'm just gonna come out and say that I'm obviously talking about David Byrne here. And Michael Palin. Is it pervy for a young lady to crush on old, old men? I feel like a reverse perv.)
--Jeff Goldblum did a cameo on The Colbert Report tonight, making references to The Fly, lol. See, guys? Even Stephen Colbert has room for Jeff Goldblum! p.s. "There can never be enough apologies," LOLOL.
--This post is brought to you by the letter Boredom. I really will talk with you about anything tonight.