I'm ganking (is that real slang or did I make that up?) a meme from
pygmalism that's sort of interesting. Take song lyrics and, through an online translator (like
Babelfish), translate them from English to French, from French to German, and then from German back to English and post the results. Nutty guessing ensues! I've tried to do relatively easily recognizable songs since this seems like it would be tricky, and because I am too lazy to press myself to come up with challenging songs.
1. A man goes outside of his apartment, rains he, he has no umbrella that he begins to run under the tents which try, to save its clothes those tried, to save its clothes. Tried to dry and dry and to dry, but no bon, if it receives at the close basement platform, takes it and all two its shoes away that it makes a step good in large someone loogie, and everyone sees, it says to "Ew." Everyone, which sees it, says, "Ew." But it is worried does not have ' it on the past night to cause an attendance phantoms of the body future receives so-called phantom "your two shoes away some chances to take you particularly received, if they are damp." It intends likewise said to set "you itself to never aechzen in order to go far to affair journey one day, and if you return to the house, your children developed, and you never your wife spurred to aechzen, your children have developed, and you have your wife spurred." "and the people make for you nervously think you the fact that the world terminates, and everyone covers begun from way, or by other one is to be mixed and everything from plastics and sarkastische everyone, and all your food will frozen, it must be defrosted." "it will would think the world think terminated, you will the world think terminated, you that the world terminated in this time. It will would think the world thinks terminated, you will the world thinks terminated, you that the world terminated in this time." "well perhaps you would have to just drink and observe much of less coffee never never the ten message hours, perhaps would have you nice someone to embrace or lick rock or all two." "perhaps you would not have to cut your own hair ' cause, be so strange can them cost money, and they always backwards hair increase develop even, after you died" "and the people are the fair persons, them you make not nervous might. The world is eternal, it comes, and it goes. If you do not throw your plastics, the roads will not be, if in plastics. And if you embrace someone, then all two are received to you practice." "the world is placed dirtballs eternally in your bag, dirtballs in your bag was placed and takes your two shoes away the ' persons of the cause is the fair persons, the people is the fair persons, the people is the fair persons as you. The people are the fair persons, the people are the fair persons, the people are the fair persons as you." The world is eternally he comes, and it goes the world is eternally it comes, and it goes it comes, and it goes
2. In that future next to distant Sunday not A.D. - there was not a type with the designation Joel, too differently from you or from me. He worked in Institut von Gizmonic, just another face in a red pair of overalls. It made upward a good cleaning of the work for the place, but its owners did not like it so it it pulled in the area. We will send it cheese films, which worst as we can find. it must them rest and all observe, and we become its spirit to supervise. Keep upright in the spirit Joel now cannot not order, where the films begin or terminate, there it the habit had these special pieces, in order to make its robot friends. Call of the robot rolling: (we let good go!) Cambot! (calm handle pot!) Bohémien! (good day, girl!) Servo of Tom! (which blows type!) Croooow! (it is more wisecracker.) If you ask yourselves, how he eats and and breathes from others made of the science (of), then repetition to even "it is fairly an exhibition, I would have for theatre 3000 of the secret science to really just ease!"
3. They fastened upward from the shop, which makes the corner, how it was a crate of night. It is constantly Disco. Everyone is equipped so much curiously, I cannot identify not it. I cannot say the personnel of the customers. The baby examine this outside. I have to say something. Man so much inside here is he. If they can hold on the drum machine and still think I, I will remember, what it was. They must carry all your things, which cannot set you the evil. It does not have there anywhere, in order to possibly set something. The baby examine this outside. I have to say something. Man so much inside here is he. If they can hold on the drum machine and still think I, I will remember, what it was. They are all, which cry something at us. Boiling and steer themselves. They completely improved the airport. Now it just seems as a crate of night. More confused everyone passionnan ' and. The baby examine this outside. I have to say something. Man so much inside here is he. If they start the dear machine and I still like can, I will remember, what it was. The baby examine this outside. I have to say something. Man so much inside here is he. Man so much inside here is he.
4. The bicycle, which was perforated on a deeply betruebten nature of the will of the embankment, make a man of me still? When in this attractive motor vehicle this bezaubernde man umsorgen why the complexity of the life when the smooth short leather on the passenger seat? I would come out this evening, but I did not have a point, around this man so-called to carry "am terrible him that so beautiful of someone would have to be worried" Ampèreheure! A boy Ragout toward the automatic upper part, which never knew its place that he said that the "return the ring" it knows it so much these things, white so much these things I comes out this evening, but I do not have a point carry around this so-called man "am him terribly that so beautiful of someone would have to be worried" it, this attractive man... Ah, this attractive man... Ampèreheure! A boy Ragout toward the automatic upper part, which never knew its place that he said that "return the ring" it knows so much these things, knows he it so much these things white so much these things
5. Hé smiling stranger, which look at themselves fortunately disturbed, can lock you the account, in order to pull me? Or did you still select your goal? Hé sandig you maintenance backwards h3. Sandy of five feet far away of end of the word, it is the end of the daily, but us funning only, but by debt I thought that you had it to come
Also, because I've been in a bad mood all day, enjoy a clip from the 1988 movie Tapeheads (does anyone else know that movie?) and the opening credits/awesome theme music of Return of the Living Dead that I youtubed in an attempt to cheer myself up. (It did not work.)
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Also part of my bad mood was the desire to watch some youthful, screaming TMBG, but I couldn't find any videos I hadn't seen before. I did find, however, some old-school songs as new-school performances.
"Mr. Me" from last summer, uploaded by
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"Nothing's Gonna Change My Clothes," also from a year ago. The album version of this song makes me happy if for no other reason than the way Linnell sings the last chorus: "And I don't care if no one's comin' up for aaaiirr. *swoon*. I have a tendency to play that third chorus over and over and I swear I giggle with delight every time, I love it so much. Of course, he doesn't do that here, but still. The man is too fucking cute.
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