Obama signs the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act as his first piece of legislation. It means that people no longer have a 180-day period to file a claim of discrimination; now "every new discriminatory paycheck would extend the statute of limitations for another 180 days." While I'm happy about this, I would be happier if employers would just fucking pay women equally in the first place.
We got attacked by a snow monster yesterday and I simply didn't feel like driving in the snow to class today, so I stayed home. I just got done drinking tea and eating scones and watching the last two episodes of Doctor Who series one, which either makes me terribly English or, as my brother Kirk asked this morning when I put in the DVD, "Are you trying to become the biggest nerd ever?" I was so invested in the finale that I was doing nervous hands and sitting literally at the edge of my seat, and then my mom woke up with 15 minutes left in the show and started shuffling around the house and leaving her tea kettle whistling on the stove for too long. Now she's complaining about my dad on the phone because he inexplicably went through a bottle of shampoo in a month. Dear Mom: please stop being a pain in the butt today. Anyway, yay I love Doctor Who now. I had to go through about two discs' worth of episodes before I really started caring and looking forward to watching it, but I came around to Christopher Eccleston as the Doctor (he's adorable in his own way) and I even like Rose now, though I'm convinced Billie Piper is part gorilla. (Which part? Her face, lolol.) Also John Barrowman's teeth are the devil.