Ok, back at you Kelly

Nov 18, 2004 23:12


Name: Johnny
Birth date: March 19th, 1960
Birth place: Houston, TX
Current Location: Houston, TX
Hair Color: Not as black as it once was
Righty or Lefty: Righty


Your heritage: Comanche, Blackfoot, Lakota Sioux, Apache, Cherokee, German, Irish, Gypsy, etc…… Heinz 57, mutt, you know, American.
Shoes you wore today: Hiking Boots
Your weakness: a stranger who loves me
Your fears: one time I came home and realized that someone had stolen everything in my apartment and replaced them with exact replicas. When I pointed this out to my roommate she said, “Who are you?”
Your perfect pizza: the Philly cheese steak pizza that Dominos no longer has
Goal you'd like to achieve: Replacing Hef

Your thoughts first waking up: A nice hot bath would be nice about now
Your best physical feature: my smile
Your bedtime: 1am
Your most missed memory: The Getaway


Pepsi or Coke: I’ve always been a Coke Man myself-but only from a can that’s been on ice
McDonald's or Burger King: Hmm, Texas Homestyle Burger or Angus Burger. Angus
Single or group dates: depends on the definition. In courtship I work alone, for sport dating a team effort usually pays off
Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla
Cappuccino or coffee: watered down Folgers or the Exxon Cappuccino

Do You...?
Smoke: Unfortunately
Cuss: In some situations
Take a shower: aren’t showers great, hot baths at even better
Have a crush(es): hopelessly
Think you've been in love: definitely
Believe in yourself: somebody has too
Get motion sickness: once
Think you're attractive: again, it depends on the definition. I’m not great looking but I seem to attract people
Think you're a health freak: nope...
Get along with your parents: usually
Like thunderstorms: oh yeah
Play an instrument: only if I can’t get anyone else to do it

In the last two months..

Drank alcohol: Try going to a bartender at Slick’s and asking my name
Gone on a date: nope
Gone to the mall: yep
Been on stage: There are those who say that life is a stage, but yes
Eaten an entire box of Oreos: nope
Eaten sushi: back to that definition thing again. Not raw fish
Been dumped: no comment
Gone skating: nope
Gone skinny dipping: it was a bit cold
Stolen anything: a few hearts maybe


Played a game that required removal of clothing: I thought we weren’t going to tell anybody
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: I’ve heard stories
Been caught "doing something": it’s that risk half the fun?
Been called a tease: What? I’m a guy. We are the gas, you are the breaks
Gotten beaten up: too many times, but the other guy never walks away clean


Age you hope to be married: Twice already. Once at 19 and once at 33
Number of Children: You mean the two legged kind? One, he’s 23
Describe your dream wedding: I’m 75 and marrying a 21 year old girl. And when I die on my wedding night making love they’ll say, “He came and went, both at the same time”
What do you want to be when you grow up: Wise
What country would you most like to live in: I want to walk the earth like Cain on Kung Fu, going from place to place getting into adventures

Preferences for your preferred sex?

Best eye color?: A friend of mine was worried that his old lady was messing around on him. I told him you can always trust a woman with brown eyes. He said, “Man, I don’t even know what color my old lady’s eyes are.” That night he got home to find her sleeping and creped up to her, gently prying one eye open to see what color it was. He was so excited that he shouted, my God! Brown!” Then a guy stuck his head out of the closet and said, “How’d you know I was here?”
Best hair color?: tough call
Short or long hair: wrap myself up in it long
Height: it varies
Best first date location: in my lap would be nice
Best first kiss location: are you really going to ask? You saw where I was going with the last question

Number of..

Number of people I could trust with my life: hmm, pappy always said trust your friends, but cut the cards
Number of CD's I own: 20
Number of piercings: just the bullet hole in my shoulder, but it’s about closed up now
Number of tattoos: Man, I was brought up a Northsider. I ain’t having any identifiable markings of any kind
Number of times my name has appeared in the Newspaper: Mine’s been there a lot, how about you?
Number of scars on my body: 17
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