img src="" border="0" alt="Angel-of-Death Goth">
Angel Goth -- Something about the fallen angels
calls to you. You might even name your first
child Lucifer, regardless of sex.
Which Gothic Stereotype Are You? brought to you by
You are the tree-loving faerie. The Earth Faerie.
Nature is your friend, all the little animals
are cute and cuddly, even those that bite. You
are a strong friend, people have a tendancy to
go to you when they are feeling sad. You have a
motherly instinct and always want to kiss away
the tears.
What's your inner Faerie? brought to you by
None of your dreams
Will ever come true.
...Especially that one
with the truck full of
cheerleaders. Seriously, what
the hell were you thinking?
Billy's tells your fortune!