Dec 09, 2004 06:47
Tomorrow, pictures will be taken for the Richfield Sun Current at mine and Chelsea's teen program. I probably should have gone to bed? Perhaps these bags under my eyes will indicate to the Richfield reading public that we are in need of money and volunteers...or else, crackheads are caring for their kids afterschool. Either way, I'm wearing long sleeves, so to cover the tattoos. I plan on, in every picture, making a "touchdown" aka "it's good" pose, so to indicate that I often score with the 6th graders.
I wish I had an awesome excuse for being up until 7am; I just watched the entire Cowboy Bebop series again tonight...for the fourth or so time. Man, Xmas is gonna be ultra sweet this year. My brother has just begun bootlegging movies this past fall. He's dubbing me about 10 different anime serieseseseses, plus about a dozen movies. I KNEW family was good for something.
P.S. My parents were at the last ASE show; long story short, the only thing my mom says to me the next day, "Jesus is dead to me? I can't believe you would say that." I guess she didn't get the memo. Plus, I've been watching a lot of the Sopranos lately, so the "dead to me" line is kind of a reflex these days. Note to self: When seeing the parents, from now on, make sure to be absurdly drunk. Thereby, I am unaccountable for my actions and won't have to remember shit of what they say...or...I could just not see them anymore. The drinking idea sounds better, but I bet it'd get both 1. expensive and 2. unhealthy. I so rarely drink these days. Maybe I should exchange consuming solid foods for consuming alcohol. I'd likely get more sleep.
p.s. I'm sorta totally infatuated with a girl right now. I see only positivity in my future. I'm going to go to bed at midnight tomorrow. It'll be fantabular. Tim's dad's coming in tomorrow to take him back home. He sleeps in the living room when he's here, which is pretty much a part of my room. Therefore, I'll be respectful and go to bed when he goes to bed. this p.s. has become an entry in and of itself. I forgot to capitalize "this" in the previous sentence. I'm going to bed.