Majorness ......

Dec 23, 2004 07:36

I haven't told many people about this, because I was conflicted as to how I felt about this... but here I go.

Two weeks ago I saw an ad in our local paper for a "Free Wedding Contest" that was being held by the marketing company for Dunkin' Donuts. Michele said we should enter that we could win. The idea was that you would write in your true proposal story, and then judges will pick the best ones and then the winner would get A) A free $15,000 wedding at a Dunkin' Donuts, B) a free honeymoon in the Bahamas, and C) $3,000 spending money.
The link is here (the contest is over, but the rules page is still up)

Well, I wrote in. I wasn't sure about this whole thing because .. I mean a wedding at a Dunkin Donuts? How corny is that?!?! What, is the dress going to be pink and orange??!?! I wasn't sure about this, but I decided to write in anyway...basically to see what would happen.

Last Friday I come hme from work, and there is a message on the answering machine. Michele is on the couch watching tv, I play the message.

It's from someone from the PR firm handling this contest.

They want to meet Michele and I because we are in the top ten semi-finalists for NY Metro area!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We go into the city on Tuesday to have this interview. We're nervous as hell, but kind of excited.
I still was a little un-sure about this whole thing. How many people would we have? Will it actually be held in a Dunkin Donuts? Will it be cheap, and crappy? On the rules page, it mentions that the winner will have the wedding at their closetst Dunkin Donuts. The closest one to me can only comfortably hold around 15 people! Does that mean that we would only be able to invite 4!!!!!!

Well, we were told everything that we needed to know.

It will be held on Long Island. We could invite approx. 100 people. It will be a standard normal wedding with a white dress (but pink accents). It will be done tastefully, but be a bit different. I'm okay with that, cause I'm all for different..... but not too crazy!

We would get the wedding planner that handled Catherine Zeta Jones' and Michael Douglas' wedding!!!!!!!!!!!
That made me feel good, becuase it definately will be good!

The honeymoon would be in the Bahamas, at the Lucaya. Which is a nice place!

Here's some kickers............................

News stations have shown interest in this, so we will be interviewed (possibly during the wedding) for TV!!!!!!!! WE WILL BE ON NATIONWIDE TELEVISION!!!


They will give us a media coach to help us be comfortable in front of the camera , tell us how to speak properly so on and so forth. For those who know me, this will be good because I tend to stammer when nervous!!!!!!!

IF we win, the wedding will.... not be in two years which is what Michele and I decided upon, but in TWO MONTHS!

THE WEDDING WILL BE ON FEBUARY 11TH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, they loved us (or so they tell us). The proposal story was one of the more unique ones that they have heard, and we beat A LOT of people to get to the semi-finalists. They also liked the fact that we were "okay" with all of this (of course, I'm ok.... it's free!!!) because some semi-finalists didn't want to be on tv.... one of them asked if they could have the wedding in two years, not two months!

If we make it to the finals, we will be up against two other couples. It is up to us to win this if we want, should we get to that point. We need people to vote for us. So WATCH THIS SPACE!!! I MAY NEED YOU ALL TO VOTE!!

We will know by the end of the month if we made it to the finals. I will definately post here if we do!

Is this crazy or what?!?!?!
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