Nov 18, 2013 02:07
every year I come back like some migrating bird to the same location, lj, to post some something so my journal doesn't get deleted. I like the idea that it's a migrator's sense of home that brings me back and back and back. as if i did have a home.
my circumstances are so changed I wouldn't know where to begin, & so much the same I feel like i have nothing to say. Oh how familiar!--maybe that's lj in a nutshell.
I'm always trying to sum up lj. always trying to fit just 6 or 7 words into a nutshell & call it done. Ah well. I might float back here. who knows. fb is certainly trash, & I don't use it at all, but keep it to have, like my hudsons bay card. In case of emergencies, use my facebook.
i can't go back in history here--it hurts my heart too much. squeezes it like a dripping sponge, which that can't be good for my health.
ok we're done here for now...enough for now. we've laid our eggs like some giant turtle on the sand & we're heading back for the sea...