Jun 08, 2005 23:08
TEN random things about me:
1. I'm a huge closet dork
2. I'm a set of Lesbian Latino twins at heart
3. Life would be so much better if I was a dog
4. I acctually really enjoyed Chem class...though I never did the homework
5. I've never had a crush on Raechel Zarzynski
6. Luci in the Sky with Diamonds has special significance for like four separate reasons
7. I just spell Lucy with an i all the time without knowing it
8. I really miss good saturday morning cartoons (like the power rangers, and the tick, and the Batman with the Danny Elfman score)
9. I have a plan for who I'm going to put on an island incase of a nuclear apocalypse or something (which Gwen Stefani ISN'T on)
10. I had a plan to take over the world in like fourth grade which Andrew Steeves thwarted with logic
NINE ways to win my heart:
1. Fun
2. Can be laid back
3. try and assert their individuality but not too much
4. If your mom makes me food for no reason
5. Is pissed off about some socio-political issue
6. Honest
7. Be able to take/dish out vicious sarcasm
8. let me have a long phone conversation when I'm pissed off and on church steps
9. Through my chest
EIGHT things I want to do before I die:
1. Own/manage a coffee shop
2. Start a Theatre company that spends all of it's time in the black
3. Write a play/screenplay
4. Live in Sanfransico, Amsterdam, hawaii, and a Micronesian Island
5. Close the SOA
6. Close a/all sweatshops
7. go to a college that doesn't suck (east coast maybe)
8. Live in a Silver Bullet
SEVEN things I believe :
1. No one who reads this has ever seen God
2. Pat Robertson is not going to Heaven
3. Celebrity marriages never last unless no one cares
4. There is some kind of life outside of our crap filled rock
5. Everyone is trying to do what they think is best
6. No matter what you do someone will hate you and someone will love you
7. Johnny Depp is the most beautiful person alive
SIX things that get me mad (or annoyed/paranoid/frustrated):
1. Love Angel Music Baby (why gwen WHY!)
2. The religious right
3. When people pay like 8 bucks for some nachos and don't even eat them all
4. Homophobia
5. Rich White folk
6. people who let themselves be abused (not like Shannon)
FIVE things I'm afraid of:
1. The Draft
2. Blue Monkeys
3. accidently killing myself
4. being rejected by the uber liberal theatre geek crowd
5. Cops (their lethal)
FOUR of my fave items in my room:
1. Nibbles D. Bunny
2. my Pile O'Scripts
3. My Stereo
4. The Lesbian Cowboy Shirt
THREE things I do everyday:
1. take a shower
2. talk to the rabbit
3. Go to Raechel's (maybe it just seems like everyday)
TWO things I need to do right now:
1. Sleep
2. Run my lines for the eight millionth time
ONE person I want to see right now:
1. Nina Boris, because I haven't seen her in like, more than a year, and that's jsut plain wrong