Nov 28, 2005 11:12
So I read this, and realized I've done a lot of them, so I decided to flaunt.
Played Spin the Bottle? - If you haven't, give me a call because we need to fix that
Toilet Paper someone's house - tree, not house
Played Poker with money - yeah, heh,
Gone swimming in a white T-shirt - 'course I have
been tickled so hard you couldn't talk - yes
like someone but never told them - Yes, well, all the people I was really serious about knew after the fact at least
went camping - Yeah
had a crush on your brother's friend - You know, if I had a brother, I probably would (unless they were like 12)
walk in the rain without an umbrella --- and laid in the middle of the street making puddle angels
told a joke that NObody thought was funny --So there's this guy named Juan right....
been in a talent show -- Choir Retreat
started laughing at someone's bedtime --- hehe, yeah
worn somthing your mom didn't appove of --- what she doesn't know won't hurt her
been to a nude beach --- been nude on a beach
drank jack daniels -- Yes
cursed in a church -- In the Chapel at Pius and Out side of Sebs a lot (A LOT) but otherwise it was unitarian so it doesn't count
been called a slut for kissing someone -- Yes, I have, but she was just jealus
burnt yourslef with a curling iron/straightner -- ...yeah
wanted to be a police officer -- Oh, Tim Land
dumped someone -- Once or twice
been hit on by someone too old -- not hit on really, but gotten a few "if you were three or four years older..."
wanted to be a model -- I'm a nudey peacenik calendar girl
bought lottery tickets -- yeah, I think I won a dollar once
made out in a car -- Yes, many times
cried during a movie -- Edward Scissorhands is sad alright
wanted something you couldn't have -- yeah
had sex on the beach -- not as of yet
had the drink sex on the beach -- Been around (many) people who have, and then they started drinking sex with Jameel's
seen someone shoplift --- I looked the other way.
hung up on someone -- Have you met my mother
yelled at you pet -- all the time, but she yells at me too, silly rabbit
bought a thong when the casheir was a guy -- I didn't end up buying it but I asked the guy what Size he thought I'd be. and then tried it on. I'm a medium in case any of you were wondering
tried to strip when drunk - not when drunk
gotten seasick -- a little
had a stalker -- DUDE, and BETHY
played a prank on somone that had them really scared -- I think I told raechel I had cancer once
been embarassed by one of your family -- have you met my mother?.
felt bad about eating meat -- Damn you Laura
protested - ....Yeah, once or twice (mon Raison D'Etre buddy!)
been to an island - the only two times I've been out of the country were to Islands famous for booze
been in love -- Once or twice
ate jus because you were bored -- Yeah, and not eaten because of lack of motivation
looked at something everybody thought was ugly and said "aww" -- All. Dogs. Are. Cute. Fuckers.
Screamed in a library -- in the Pius Library
Made out with a stranger -- Kissed
Been Dumped -- yes but it was in the "John, I think we should see other people" "oh, alright, yeah, it's probably best" hangs up phone, DOES HAPPY DANCE
Wished a part of you was different -- Yes
asked a girl to dance -- once or twice, not as much as I should
been asked out by a really hot girl -- heh, yeah, I have
laughe so hard ou cried -- hahahah, yeah, hahaha
went up to a complete stranger and started talking - that's how I meet freshmen
been sunburned - yeah, I've had it all, tan lines, farmer tan, even the hand print of sunblock surrounded by red
kicked a guy in the nuts for being a pervert -- plenty of times
threw up in school -- That's like the only place I chuck
recieved an anonymous love letter -- It was anonymous till I read the name on the outside, then it made sense
had to wear something you hated --'s in a box where no one will find it
been to a luau -- My friend had a luau in his back yard once
saw your ex and wanted to kick her ass -- I love Shantelle, I really do
cursed in front of your parents -- yes
been in a commerical on tv -- I TOTALLY WAS when I was like six
watched a movie that made you miss your ex -- yeah, yeah
been out of the country -- Twice, to boozey islands, we've been over this
been honked at by someone when you were walking down the sidewalk -- and then they yelled "FUCKIN HIPPIES!" it was great
won at pool -- a few times
went to a party where you were the ony sober one -- yes, I have, well, one of the only sober ones, well, define sober
went on a diet -- of poptarts and coffee
been lost out to sea -- then I turned around and saw the boat
cheated on your Girlfriend --- Never
been cheated on - Yes, couple of times, victim of lesbianic lust
tanned topless - kinda, yeah
been attacked by seagulls -- and GEESE man, creepy shit bombers
been searched in an airport -- nope, I still have my nail clippers
been on a plane -- yeah
been pants-ed -- yeah, I've pants-ed myself without meaning to once.
thown a shoe at someone --all the time
broke someone's heart -- Yeah, I think so , but they got over it
sung in the shower -- If you ever walk down 53rd and Garfield and here Elvis or Tom Jones, you know I'm gettin clean
bought something way too expensive - Yes, anything over fifteen bucks
done something really stupid that you still laugh about -- heh, yeah...heheh
been walked in on when you were dressing -- once or twice
ran out of a movie theatre because you were too scared of the movie -- um, no
been kicked out of the mall - not kicked, but asked to leave
ben mean to someone then instantly wanted to take it back -- mmhmm, plenty of times
been given a detention on the worst day that you could get one -- one of the worst days possible
done something stupid when you were drunk -- not when I was drunk
fell off your roof -- heh, heh, yeah
pretended you were scared so you could cuddle up with someone -- well, used it as an excuse which I knew they wouldn't beleive
had a deer jump in fron of your car -- I live in wisconsin, yes
threated someone witha water gun -- all the time
Can you....
Unwrap a starburst with your tounge -- no, but practice makes perfect
sing -- not too bad
open your eyes underwater -- yeah.
eat whatever you want and not have to worry -- Yeah, pretty much, in whatever volume you can present it
ice skate -- I've seen worse
sing in front of a crowd -- I've done it, don't knwo how well
whistle -- not great but yeah
be a bitch at times -- Yes. I love Raechel and Laura and not just for thier coffee
do thirty pull ups -- ...maybe
walkin in really high heals -- YES, I can, and run up six flights of stairs
eat super spicy foods -- I can eat them, I need to do a "AHHHHHH" dance afterwards though
skateboard -- haha, no
sleep with the lights on -- yeah
mulititask -- not really
touch your nose with your tounge -- nuh uh (he says with shame)
fall asleep easily in the car -- not in a bus
do the cotton eye joe -- no, well I'm sure I could if I put my mind to it
play ddr and not fall -- yes
surf -- Not well
fit in your locker -- My Big head won't let me
do a split - yeah, no
taste the difference between pepsi and coke - Ofcourse, and I really wish Coke wasn't the devil, because it's so much better, but people get shot all the time at coca-cola plants, so I just gave up soda all together