Nov 04, 2005 11:31
What the fuck, America
Has anyone else noticed that we're slowly transforming into television archetypes?
That everyone's lives can be seen on friends or Fraiser or (Gods forbid) sex in the city?
Jesus H. Christoper people
Are they written that well? Do these stories really reflect what a good chunk of the population goes through every day?
I mean I understand that they have a lot more sex and better stuff than we do, but beyond that is everything they say really true?
Who the hell really wants to be a Mr. Big, the love of your life that you'll never get over but never really want again, and why are we holding out for our "guy from Northern Exposure" (Aiden or something)something so superficially perfect but hollow and brittle built upon shakey boards that will everntually lead you into an "ever after", though the happily may or may not ever come.
And, Dawson's Creek and other teen soap Opera's reflecting highschool life
A tight nit group of beautiful friends, who are always filled with strife.
Boy A loves Girl B, but will never tell her, until he does just when she's dating his best friend, Boy C who just broke up with Girl D who in turn is in love with Boy A, even though she's dating Boy E, who was gay last week but got over it. In the end they all end up dating, being madly in love with, or at the very least chronically fucking everyone else on the show, not to mention a myriad of three episode guest stars.
Now that may seem farfetched like that, but I know a tight nit group or two of beautiful people and I'm seeing more and more similarities every day
OH, and the Seaseme street thing, 'scuse me, THINGS
Obesity, Homosexuality, schitzophrenia, dillusions
Filthy filthy show if you look at it like that.
But you shouldn't
because that's not how it is
It's a fantasy, not a reality
If seaseme was 53rd and North no one on the show would have to get sacked by some southern Preacher, none of them would have to wait for some scarily real fatal disease. They'd all fucking kill themselves.
The one difference I see between Avenue Q and the happy childrens original is thier attitude. It's not the crappy living, poverty, racism, porn. The difference is that everyone on Avenue Q has so very little hope, they've been programed to respond to the media (Eat lots of big cheap crap that'll make you fat, but happy, then buy this pill or this club or this work out machine or this SURGERY to fit to society's gross ideals). They have so very little will to live.
To Paraphrase Man of La Mancha, on thier death beds they will ask "why"
But I do not think it is why should they die, but why did they live.
Am I the only one who sees how the play ground for our youthful innocence is slowely being condemned? and how the rest of our lives is silently being beaten until it conforms?
Is this the only way?
It's the American Way