Do you really deserve a tip?

Jan 24, 2009 16:00

I don't mean to go off on another tirade about the sense of entitlement that seems to be all around us. As Americans, we are conditioned to believe that we are owed something. I was at the Chin's Asia Fresh Restaurant in Brookfield, Wisconsin a few months ago and found that there were two tip jars - one on either side of the cash register. I looked on the wall and it said that this was a "tip free" establishment. Now these were fuck-off sized tip eye sore that could not be missed. It totally rubbed me the wrong way, so I wrote a quick e-mail to Chin's corporate letting them know what complete jagoffs they were for allowing two gigantic tip jars not 5 feet away from the "No tips" sign. They sent me an apology and a free meal. When I returned, the tip jars were right where I had left them. On the other hand, there was a piece of folded receipt paper classily taped over the "no tip" sign. I hope you are with me when I say "what douchebags". Dude, you ask me what I want, you push a few buttons, and then I get my grub. This is not something that merits a tip. I had to do more work than they did to get my food! C'mon, fucko, go to night school. Make yourself indisposable, because the way our economy is headed, Karma is going to quickly teach you that you are not nearly as valuable as your high school boyfriend may have led you to believe.

And speaking of entitlement, stop thinking that because Obama is in office that you don't have to pay your bills. And it's not just Peggy Joseph; this goes for Maryland senators, as well. If you can believe it, Lisa Gladden, the honorable senator from Maryland actually went on the record to say "It doesn’t matter if the state of Maryland is broke as long as Barack Obama is President of the United States - this is great!".

America. Hell. Handbasket. Dayton. Out.


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