I Feel Sick...

Jun 18, 2005 21:58

I feel sick, I'm not sure why.
Maybe it is becuase I am soon going to give myself my enbrel shot...it is just a huge shock to give yourself a shot, I am NOT used to it at all, and this is going to be my 8th! But I need to take it, it is really helping--my arms don't hurt anymore, i dont itch, i dont burn.

Maybe it is the Americas Most Wanted that i watched part of earlier...
They found this sick fuck (i believe that term is appropriate, and everyone will definitely agree after hearing this part that seriously makes me want to throw up everytime i think of it, just hearing this has forever topped my list as the grossest and sickest thing anybody has ever done)
this guy took pictures of himself having sex with a minor
you're thinking, okay a minor, a minor could be 16, 17?
You get lower and it gets sicker and sicker...12? 10? (you all have family members this age)
Sicker and sicker...8? 5?
No, this guy had pictures of himself molesting, according to AMW...a...4 month old!
His afterlife has a slot reserved right next to Hitler.

OR maybe it was this MSNBC special i am watching about criminals. It was talking with a few, this one guy is exactly like the man from shawshank redemption (one of the best movies of all time) he had to take a drug test but he refused so he wouldnt come up to parole, he said he's been there too long that he couldn't get back on the streets. He also said that the streets were so much worse than jail.
Which got me thinking...why don't we have a LOT more half-way houses, a lot more homeless shelters? If we gave homeless people the stuff that we give CRIMINALS...we would PROBABLY HAVE LESS CRIMINALS...some people would as soon commit a hanous crime simply to get off of the street, to have food, to survive.
This one guy was actually rather inspirational. "Life is always going to change, but death that is always the same" (more or less, and he said "Deaf' because of his ebonical speak)...this guy went to the library everyday and helped his lawyers overturn his death sentence into a life in prison with parole.

Then they showed the actual execution room (the rest of the people are death row inmates). It was haunting. I've seen them before, on television, but I don't know. They went through it all. This place has both the electric chair and lethal injection. He went through them both in grave (no pun intended) detail.
And apparently any person sentenced after april 99 can choose between the chair or lethal injection...i'd hvae to say that wouldnt be the toughest choice i'd have to make. The showed the giant sponge they place on the head under the helmet, the ankle braces, everything.
I've actually seen a few of those "faces of death" movies. Some of the things, people claim, are faked, which I could see...they're just home videos where people accidently die or come really close. It was quite grotesque, but I was a 12 year old boy and with my 16 yr old cousin (ha). But anyway, this guy was in the gas chamber, inwhich you literally suffocate to death...a horrible way to die. This person though was suffocating and actually killed himself by slamming his head into the huge metal pole inside of the cage, it was very disturbing. But no where near as disturbing as even seeing that execution room today on television...it has nothing to do with a visual factor, it isn't WHAT i saw...it is my own concept of life that I have constructed and formulated since I was 12 and saw that, THAT itself probably didn't greatly affect anything in my life, but im sure watching it now would be a different experience than it was back then.

So yeah.

I have to givemyself a shot.
I don't want to.
I hate it hah.
It isnt even THAT painful, It is a slight discomfort, a pressure.
Sometimes I literally can NOT feel the needle go in, we'll see about this time.

I hope Amanda is having a good day at work :).
I love her with All of my Heart.
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