May 30, 2005 00:19
Alright, so yesterday My laptop starts going weird on me. It starts going really slow...which my laptop just doesn't do. So i run Ad-Aware, I run Windows Anti-Spyware, and I run McAfee...nothing. It wasn't a virus or spyware, that I could find.
I decide to restart, that sometimes helps. computer doesn't start back up.
I get angry/very sad at this fact.
I find the restore discs, I really didn't want to...because that means I would have to erase everything on it :-\...thats 15 songs I recorded, COUNTLESS Pictures of my baby! :-( (That hurts the most) and all my text files and homework from the year.
Really sucked.
But I decided I would do it.
I try it, it stops, doesnt finish.
I try it again, same thing.
Once more!...nope, didn't work.
SO I say screw it, close it angerly, and go to work.
I worked 2-5ish doing Janitor work at Pizza hut, sweeping, cleaning, mopping, etc.
I come home, I sleep...thinking of my sweet and wonderful Amanda *blush*.
I wake up, do my stuff. Watch the Cubs game online...AMAZING. What an exciting game! I believe around the 6th? The cubs had maybe 4 and the Rockies (not the best team...) has 6. Most Cubs game, this is pretty much it. But my Cubs? NO! Homerun, Homerun, Singles, Doubles out the wazoo! Final score was 11-6 I believe. :-D!
We're back at .500!!!! We're Second in our Region of NL. We're coming back, and we aren't all healthy. I can't wait til Nomar gets back.
I try my computer again....IT WORKS! YAY! I go through, install Firefox, MSN, etc. I need to reboot for it all to work right, I do doesn't work. :(.
I call up TOSHIBA, they tell me there is a hardware problem, I need to send it in.
I call The Warranty place from Circuit City (I am SO glad I got that warranty!) they run me thruogh stuff, I have to try reinstalling it (again!) and then they'll tell me what to do. I try it, it runs a LITTLE but SO slow! Seriously, I waited 20 minutes (Literally! I timed it!) for the thing to start up...I call them, tell them, they say its my HardDrive taking a shit, they're sending me a preposted box, I'm sending my computer in. I hope it comes out best case scenerio.....which wont happen...would be them them just sending me a brand new computer *keke* Wont happen, ah well :).
I'm watching Pimp My Ride...i thought of something. It's great what they are doing for these kids, but I wonder if they understand the reprocussions of getting their rides "pimped." Imagine how high the insurance would skyrocket if the insurance company found out you had 24K rims?! TVs and Computers galore, that thing is not only tens of thousands of dollars, it is also HEAVY. Imagine the gas mileage! I saw one where they put a HOT TUB in a truck, that thing SERIOUSLY had to have gotten HORRIBLE milage after that...poor guys.
THey bought this guy a new 2005 Truck. It is REALLY nice! They put a DirectTv satellite on the TOP of the van so he gets 300+ channels! That's crazy, but leads me to another they pay for the service for so long? How long? They ALSO, among many other things, put a tv monitor on the BOTTOM of the truck, because this guy loves to work on cars ... that's unneccesary but awesome :).
I keep hearing people log on, my head flinches over to the monitor really quick, hoping it's Amanda *blush* I'm such a nerd! And I literally mean all of that, I am watching tv as I typed this, but the computer is to my side, so I'm not watching as I type. I am really glad they forced us to take typing lessons in elementary school, I can type really fast and accurately...its the spelling that I have problems with!
Does anybody else ever ask for signs? I'm sure they do, you know..."I Don't know who is up there for sure, but whoever you are, please show me ...yada yada".
Anyway, I'm at work. And I'm alone so I always crank the radio :). I am questioning my ability to be a musician, to do anything with it, to write, to sing, to play...everything about it. I simply say, If It's meant to song. ... I know i know, its a weird thing to ask. But the very next song was Tom Petty *Blush* THat made me smile. I mean seriously, thats the ONLY artist that would have "answered" any question for me, simply because he is my favorite. And the chances of him being next were insanely low, INSANELY LOW! Weird huh? Yeah, I thought so.
I figured I should keep giving it a try.
My problem is, there is usually somebody always asleep in the house.
I can't practice, unfortuantely :(.
I decided I'm goign to write a song soon.
Not tonight, maybe tomorrow, possibly.
I'm going to do the first and most important tip my Songwriting professor gave us..."STEAL." There is no way to copyright a chord structure, doing so would horribly limit music and wouldn't even make sense. I haven't really ever done this before....It will be interesting. I'm going to change the rhythm, obviously, but other then that, pretty close to the real song.
I need to keep remembering everything I've read about songwriting.
Some people pick one song, play around with it until something more comes from that, and so on and so forth.
I'll see how that works.
That's all I have for now.
Bye Bye