Life is a bith.

Mar 31, 2008 12:42


My life has been a whirlwind lately.
Falling at work last Oct and a whirlwind of red work..out on Workers Comp and Temp Disabily..then back to work on lifting and no standing..then full time no restrictions only to have my herniated disc fall out of place again..then now..back to restrictions.
Not sure where all this is going and not sure where to begin.
This disabily has taken a toll on my life here at Carol's since I have been back to work I misses only one week of rent to her..then when I tought it was okay the woman who used to sit for hours, chatting about Johnny(I met her through a JD convention and we hooked up with the livng conditions) she doesnt say more than 2 words to me. I feel isolated, not loved or liked any more..I have not really been a burden..since I moved in in Aug 2007 I have always paid the room rent in her house, helped out when needed, she was nice to me when I was home during Medical leave.

Now I gone 12hours a day, 2 hours commute each way and 8 hours at the Disney JOb..her and her hubby have alone time Wed through Sunday..and now I feel like a burden.
I never ask her for anything...

Thank the Goddess' above I still have Susan and Michele in my cirle of women or I'd go mad.
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