La Tourneuse de Pages (The Page Turner)
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Dropkicking Oldboy, the previous king of films in the revenge genre, La Tourneuse de Pages as I expressed to the director during the Q&A after the film, is "The most beautiful face I've ever seen put on such ugly vengeance" to which the director instructed the rest of the audience to "watch out for him [me]". Haha.
What makes La Tourneuse de Pages my new favorite revenge film is its subtlety. The long passage of time in which a hopeful heart once broken is turned darker by the day. The teenage star of the film, actress Déborah François, is gorgeous. I could not take my eyes off her, even when she did the the most terrible things. Free of the clichés prominent in the revenge genre, it will be difficult to topple this film from the top of the pile.
Rating:10 out of 10
King of the revenge film.