News Brief

Jul 24, 2004 20:55

welcome everybody to the news brief for saturday, july i think 24...some stuff goin on in the news today...unfortunately not too many people doin retarded stuff...but news is news

the 9/11 commission has come out with the 9/11 commission report puttin the blame of 9/11 not directly on one person or anything but sayin that congress, intelligence agencies, and the president could have done more to stop the took them over 500 pages to say this and president bush said he would personally review what the commission had to say...that might take awile

the commission also said that America is safer but not safe enough to prevent another terrorist attack

former clinton national security advisor sandy berger has been accused of stealin copies of transcripts or somethin from the national archives...he jacked the papers by stuffin them in his pants...whats up with the clinton administration and things in their pants...anyways...berger claimed these practices to be "sloppy"...they are also a little dirty

governor of new jersey will mandate the use of report cards to grade children in elementary through middle school on their physical presence...healthy kids get an A and obese kids get an now an F can mean "failure to be skinny" or simply "you are fat"...i think this sux cuz i mean a person that is fat already knows they are fat and doesnt need a f-in report card to tell them that they are obese...i wonder if someone will be re-elected in a few years

and in local news...hollywood will be banning the use of silly string on halloween nite...its been a heated discussion that the city council has been debatin for the last few months...has nothin important been goin on that council members need to spend months thinkin about silly string...other cities are thinkin of followin suit...and its been talked about banning silly string entirely...if that gonna silly string up the joint

thats about it folks...tune in on sometime durin the middle of the week and get the weekly update brought to you by john thomas blair...have a great nite, mornin, or afternoon and dont do anythin to be brought up in these news segments
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