Jun 04, 2007 17:14
Take note ..... when one has to urinate. Dont. Espcially while in publice.
So Saturday night .... making a long and more entertaining story -> short ..... Jon and I were walking from his place to Brother's .... about halfway across the U of I quad .... my bladder got the best of me, and I needed to go. And how rude is it to see your best friends and not even be able to sit down and have a few drinks but instead to excuse yourself as soon as you make eye contact to use the restroom ???? Probably not that rude .... but hey, priorities.
Sooooooooo after having Jon scout out the scene and making sure all was clear ..... I went. And sure enough, about half a block away from Brother's, I am called upon by a campus officer. In close, the officer was QUITE a treat, sporting out jokes such as "couldn't you of waited .... oh I guess you did have a far walk" .... and "well at least you didn't urinate on a church" ..... he let me off without a ticket. Which would not of been fun.
Lesson learned .... ALWAYS hold, even in emergency.