I would answer that, but this comment would end up huge. Oh, what the hell. Lemme go copypasta my summary from Den of Demons... I'm leaving it in BBCode form, cuz I'm too lazy to fix all the bolds and italics. :\
A summary of events:
[B]DO NOT[/B] go to WfI's website unless you're running something other than IE, and even then you should be prepared to run anti-spyware when you're done. The site's been infecting people's computers all day. Also, they do trackbacks, so most people have avoided posting the link directly.
1. Warriors for Innocence bitches to LJ about some of their content. LJ tells them to go away cuz they can't do anything about people [I]talking[/I] about illegal acts, as long as they don't actually [I]do[/I] anything.
2. WfI takes some screenshots of "objectionable" content next to advertisements on LJ, and sends these to the advertisers.
3. WfI then leans on LJ/SixApart again. LJ deletes the journals/communities that WfI reported ([I]only[/I] those that they reported, which explains why Z3N's journal survived, along with a lot of others).
4. It turns out WfI didn't bother to look at the actual journal content, just the interests. pornish_pixies is deleted, among others. Fandom revolts.
5. Fandom keeps revolting. The PotC3 soundtrack becomes a war chant. Icons are made. LJ News is bombarded with posts. Communities like innocence_jihad are created. The fandom_lawyers are called on for guidance. People demand an official statement from SA/LJ.
6. 36 hours have passed. There is no statement to fandom about this. Someone did, however, talk to a reporter. Their statements cause even more anger in the ranks of the Armies of Fandom. (Article [URL="http://news.com.com/Mass+deletion+sparks+LiveJournal+revolt/2100-1025_3-6187619.html"]HERE[/URL]) It is discovered that WfI is related to radical Christian militia groups, and that the head of the "organization" is a right-wing, homophobic, xenophobic nutjob. They also have no ties to law enforcement of any kind. People are pissed that LJ/SA gave into their demands, a decision viewed as being made based on ad revenue and not loyalty to their users/customers.
7. People are very, very angry. Communities are made to coordinate moves to GreatestJournal and JournalFen. News continues to be bombed. Fandom_Counts reaches over -17,000- -18,000- [B]19,000[/B] members (that grew, I shall note, 2000 members in under an hour). There is still no statement from LJ or SA.
**As of 2:30am, fandom_counts is just about at [B]21,000[/B] members. So, still growing at about 2000 members/hour. Daaaaayum. 0.0 **
ETA: Figured I'd link to a few of the logs of this whole mess, should anyone care. liz_marcs, especially, has the correspondence she had with WfI and LJ. catrinella has the list of the communities and users who were suspended.
A summary of events:
[B]DO NOT[/B] go to WfI's website unless you're running something other than IE, and even then you should be prepared to run anti-spyware when you're done. The site's been infecting people's computers all day. Also, they do trackbacks, so most people have avoided posting the link directly.
1. Warriors for Innocence bitches to LJ about some of their content. LJ tells them to go away cuz they can't do anything about people [I]talking[/I] about illegal acts, as long as they don't actually [I]do[/I] anything.
2. WfI takes some screenshots of "objectionable" content next to advertisements on LJ, and sends these to the advertisers.
3. WfI then leans on LJ/SixApart again. LJ deletes the journals/communities that WfI reported ([I]only[/I] those that they reported, which explains why Z3N's journal survived, along with a lot of others).
4. It turns out WfI didn't bother to look at the actual journal content, just the interests. pornish_pixies is deleted, among others. Fandom revolts.
5. Fandom keeps revolting. The PotC3 soundtrack becomes a war chant. Icons are made. LJ News is bombarded with posts. Communities like innocence_jihad are created. The fandom_lawyers are called on for guidance. People demand an official statement from SA/LJ.
6. 36 hours have passed. There is no statement to fandom about this. Someone did, however, talk to a reporter. Their statements cause even more anger in the ranks of the Armies of Fandom. (Article [URL="http://news.com.com/Mass+deletion+sparks+LiveJournal+revolt/2100-1025_3-6187619.html"]HERE[/URL])
It is discovered that WfI is related to radical Christian militia groups, and that the head of the "organization" is a right-wing, homophobic, xenophobic nutjob. They also have no ties to law enforcement of any kind. People are pissed that LJ/SA gave into their demands, a decision viewed as being made based on ad revenue and not loyalty to their users/customers.
7. People are very, very angry. Communities are made to coordinate moves to GreatestJournal and JournalFen. News continues to be bombed. Fandom_Counts reaches over -17,000- -18,000- [B]19,000[/B] members (that grew, I shall note, 2000 members in under an hour). There is still no statement from LJ or SA.
**As of 2:30am, fandom_counts is just about at [B]21,000[/B] members. So, still growing at about 2000 members/hour. Daaaaayum. 0.0 **
[B]Update! 8.[/B] [B][I]anildash[/I][/B] of SA has commented about this on [URL="http://www.metafilter.com/61636/livejournal-suspends-hundreds-of-accounts#1712054"]metafilter[/URL] and promises an official LJ announcement, seems to imply that journals will be restored.
ETA: Figured I'd link to a few of the logs of this whole mess, should anyone care. liz_marcs, especially, has the correspondence she had with WfI and LJ. catrinella has the list of the communities and users who were suspended.
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