The Family Arc 4-5 & a spare by Solarcat05 // Marvel 'verse

Jun 08, 2011 11:36

Title: Family Arc 04: The Monster Under the Bed
Author: solarcat05
Reader: sly_hostetter
Fandom: Fantastic Four/Spider-Man (Ultimateverse)
Rating: G
Pairing: Johnny Storm/Peter Parker
Summary: "Papa, there's a monster under my bed!" May looked up at him with large, earnest eyes. Peter woke Johnny.
Length: 0:14:50 (13.58 MB / mp3)


Title: Family Arc 05: The Dumb One
Author: solarcat05
Reader: sly_hostetter
Fandom: Fantastic Four/Spider-Man (Ultimateverse)
Rating: G
Pairing: Johnny Storm/Peter Parker
Summary: "I'm just sick of being the dumb one in this family!"
Length: 0:07:51 (7.18 MB / mp3)


Title: Hairstyles!!!
Author: solarcat05
Reader: sly_hostetter
Fandom: Fantastic Four/Spider-Man (Ultimateverse)
Rating: M
Pairing: Johnny Storm/Peter Parker
Summary: "You gave me a mohawk, didn't you?"
Length: 0:05:55 (5.42 MB / mp3)

Download @ my journal

amplificathon, johnny_peter, podslash

creator: sly_hostetter, creator: solarcat: familyverse, *podfic, creator: solarcat

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