Aug 19, 2004 17:57
Well, my life has started to get a little more interesting. I finally got tired of sitting on my lazy ass all day, so I went out and got a job. Where at? Where could I possibly go that would be so different than Chuck E. Cheese?!!?! Yep, you guessed it, sadly. Chuck. E. Cheese. I'm such a sad bastard. But for a dollar an hour more, I do less work. I pretty much do the same shit as I normally do, just not all the shit. I do some small cleaning jobs like the sky tubes and windows, then sit around and make sure gameroom is doing there job. All because everyone who works at Chuck E. Cheese sucks Gary's dick big time. "You worked for Gary!?!?!?", "Wow, you must be very highly trained.", "I wanna suck Gary's dick!!" I added that last one myself, but you get the point. So yeehaw, Cory isn't a sad pathetic bastard who just sits home all day; now I have to actually leave the house. Oh well, my boyfriend is coming tomorrow and we're going to fuck like a couple of drunk rabbits. Wow, if you didn't know me, you might actually think I was gay from that last comment; or if you do know me, then, um, well, never mind. I have to go to some vitamin meeting now and listen to stupid old men in suits tell me how I can make millions by peddling legal drugs online. Awesome. Not. So until next episode, This is Cory Benson, signing off.