Aug 02, 2009 22:08
So I’ve been working at a cell phone store and I just don’t get something. Why everyone looks at blackberries like they are the gods of the mobile world. I have going to a beach and seeing people glued to their blackberries talking about the most superficial shit. Who the fuck cares if someone updated their Twitter or Facebook? Is that what it boils down to knowing what people are thinking by looking at what they write on their damn internet based system of communication? What happened to people enjoying the nice weather or another person’s company? I guess that died since now everyone has to be connected to the web. Are people that superficial? I guess yes. No one is your friend just because you are friends on Facebook or Twitter your real friends are the ones you talk to and I don’t mean text, I mean talk to. Have a meaningful conversation about something relative, like the importance of cows in the world or if cheese can taste like a color. Your friends are the one you invest time ones that remind you got a family aside from the one you are given from birth. In conclusion do real things with real people not random websites.
I’ve been hanging in there. Taking life in stride to say the least. I’m sorry I haven’t update in awhile. I have a car in my name now. It’s a Toyota highlander in blue. I named it Hendo after Dan Henderson one of my favorite fighters. Life after college is def. not what I expected it to be but we build our own destinies. I’ve been finding it hard to get myself into the gym but it has been keeping me sane. Hope you all have been doing well.