Random things that make me want to turn green (COREY SMASH!)

Aug 27, 2008 17:13

Daf left to finishing Seder Moed: 35 (that will be party time!)
The transporter is still inoperative. Estimated time to repair: 6 hours (Give or take 100 years)

Ok, I don't really have much to say yet, but I wanted to scream about a few things that have happened today.

Jessica and I went from our cozy apartment in Flatbush (Brooklyn) to one of her friend's basement apartment in Queens today for a visit, because she had just had a little girl. Cute little kid. It did make the hair on my neck stand up a little when Jessica was holding the baby...OMG WE'RE GOING TO BE PARENTS SOON! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

Ok, I'm better now. Anyways, so the trip was a huge schlep, seeing as how, without a car, we had to take 4 different subway lines (2, S, C, J). It was still worth going, but it did take us about an hour and a quarter back and forth. While we were on the J train, though, someone started preaching. Which is quite normal for New York...Usually. This time, she pretended that no one was actually talking to anyone else and that we were all listening to her every word. So she kept raising and lowering her voice as if she was giving a speech. And she kept looking directly at random people as if she knew them (she was even smiling at them...How creepy is that?!). We literally ran off the train when we got to our stop. We didn't even exit the train using the doors in front of us. We used the ones further down (which did actually happen to be the right ones considering that they opened to the stairs down) to get away from her. Honestly, why preach on the train? Does anyone actually listen to this? If this were some random (w/o any dignity) rabbi giving a d'var torah on the train I honestly wouldn't give a crap anyway, because there would be something wrong with him! Grr...

The second thing I'm annoyed at is the New York phenomenon of basement apartments. These things are for for midgets. Honestly. I had to watch my step everywhere at Jessica's friend's place because the ceiling was so low I would've given myself a concussion if I moved too quickly! Why are these things legal? Jessica's friend was able to live there just fine because she's short, but why is it legal to have something where anyone close to 6 feet tall needs to become a hunchback to live there? (Also notice how New York is--wisely--the only one who has these. It reminds me about how NYU prides himself on having a Writing the Essay class and having it be a requirement, saying that they're proud to be one of the only universities to have this requirement. That either makes you look cool or retarded, and considering how 95% of people who take it hate it, I'm going for the latter).

The only thing I'm going to yell at outside the cut it that I just got Sports Illustrated's NFL preview in the mail today, and it has the Bears finishing dead-last in their division. I mean I know that they're not winning the Super Bowl this year, but come on, SI: We can at least beat the freakin Detroit Lions!

I guess that's all for now. Toodles.

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