However, after I got things wrong about Covid in January I've been striving to put it right by blogging and tweeting all the expert advice I could, alongside all the numbers I could lay my hands on. I had assumed, like most folk in the UK, that we had all of our much-lauded pandemic response plans together; and I knew that Gordon Brown had left us over-prepared in terms of pandemic supplies and necessary PPE. Of course, when I consider that the brunt of austerity cuts will have been on long-term stuff - because that's the way the political system works - it is obvious that those stocks would have been the first to remain unreplenished. Also I thought we had a medical establishment which wouldn't bow to government and would tell it like it is. Now the housemen (of all genders) and consultants on the ground may be independent and tell it as it is, along with the professors of medicine etc, but the medical establishment is no longer independent of government and has been obviously suborned.
The Cummings affair has shown that we are in the hands of criminals; folk for whom the rule of law is for other people. We have a criminal cabal at the heart of government; and the leader of it is unelected, not subject to Parliament, and beyond reproach in the manner of anointed god-kings.
And the press, the supine press, are still divided because Tories equal "Not Socialism", "Free Money for the Rich" and unlimited possibilities for corruption and graft. And the owners of the press all want part of that action, obvs.
How soon we do resemble oligarch states. One fucking election cycle and we are so deep in it, it is frankly terrifying.
We have the worst per-capita figures of any nation excepting maybe Peru. We have the largest number of health workers killed by the virus in Europe. The people in government have been a total shambles, ignoring their own laws and advice, insisting on exceptional treatment, and generally cocking a snook at the rest of us who aren't under the ægis of the fright-wing scrum infesting Number 10. Now what government does that resemble again? The state hand in hand with the big corporations; and with big data on their side too this time. All the big data firms and the burgeoning A.I. firms have a lot of right-wing money financing them. But I think they may not be able to cage or corral their captive A.I.s as they would wish; when you teach something to think... it will think - even outside the boundaries you set it.